Overview of Measurement Technical Regulations for Off-Site Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement Monitoring Devices
摘要: 非现场执法是查处机动车违法行为的一种重要执法手段,使用的监控设备的计量性能直接影响执法的准确性和公正性。通过整理交警、环保和交通部门使用的机动车非现场执法用监控设备及其计量技术规范情况,对机动车非现场执法用监控设备的特点和现有检定、校准方法进行了梳理和分析,并以机动车鸣笛监测系统为例,对监控设备检定和校准方法提出建议。Abstract: Off-site law enforcement comes is an important means for investigations into unlawful acts of motor vehicles. The metrological performance of monitoring devices, however, directly affects the accuracy and impartiality of law enforcement. By collating the monitoring equipment used by traffic police, environmental protection, and traffic competent authorities for off-site enforcement of motor vehicles and their metrological specifications, the characteristics of the monitoring equipment for off-site enforcement of motor vehicles and the existing verification and calibration methods are sorted out and analyzed, and the monitoring system for motor vehicle honking is used as an example to make recommendations on the verification and calibration methods for monitoring equipment.
表 1 交警部门机动车非现场执法用监控设备
Table 1. Off-site motor vehicle law enforcement monitoring devices for traffic police authorities
监控设备 检定规程 型评大纲 固定式机动车雷达测速仪 JJG 527-2015 JJF 1335-2012 移动式机动车雷达测速仪 JJG 528-2015 JJF 1335-2012 机动车地感线圈测速系统 JJG 1122-2015 JJF 1776-2019 机动车激光测速仪 JJG 1074-2012 JJF 1775-2019 区间测速系统 地方检定规程 无 机动车鸣笛监测系统 已报批待发布 无 炸街车抓拍系统 无 无 远光灯抓拍系统 无 无 表 2 环保部门机动车非现场执法用监控设备
Table 2. Off-site motor vehicle law enforcement monitoring devices for environmental protection authorities
监控设备 校准规范 型评大纲 机动车尾气遥感检测系统 JJF 1835-2020 无 黑烟车电子抓拍系统 起草中 无 表 3 交通部门机动车非现场执法用监控设备
Table 3. Off-site motor vehicle law enforcement monitoring devices for traffic competent authorities
监控设备 校准规范 型评大纲 公路治超检测系统 JJG 907-2006 JJG 907-2006 外廓尺寸检测仪 JJF 1749-2019 无 -
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