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肖鹏 宋丹 李红梅

肖鹏,宋丹,李红梅. 三碘代-L-甲状腺原氨酸(T3)标准物质中结构相关杂质的分析[J]. 计量科学与技术,待出版. doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2024.0134
引用本文: 肖鹏,宋丹,李红梅. 三碘代-L-甲状腺原氨酸(T3)标准物质中结构相关杂质的分析[J]. 计量科学与技术,待出版. doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2024.0134
XIAO Peng, SONG Dan, LI Hongmei. Analysis of the Structural-related Impurities Involved in 3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) Purity Reference Material[J]. Metrology Science and Technology. doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2024.0134
Citation: XIAO Peng, SONG Dan, LI Hongmei. Analysis of the Structural-related Impurities Involved in 3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) Purity Reference Material[J]. Metrology Science and Technology. doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2024.0134


doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2024.0134
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2022YFF0710303);国家科技基础条件平台(APT2302-1,APT2302-6)。


Analysis of the Structural-related Impurities Involved in 3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) Purity Reference Material

  • 摘要: 研制三碘代-L-甲状腺原氨酸(T3)纯度标准物质,可为临床测量结果提供溯源源头,为甲状腺疾病的精准诊断提供可靠依据。在质量平衡法定值过程中,对候选物结构相关杂质进行化学结构鉴定与定量,是降低主成分定值结果不确定度的有效方式。以核磁共振、高分辨质谱为化学分析工具,首先确认了T3标准物质主成分的结构;随后基于高效液相色谱、高分辨质谱、离子淌度等分析技术开发建立了结构相关杂质的分析方法,对T3纯度标准物质中的有机杂质进行分离、分析、鉴定。结果表明,NIM-RM3239标准物质中相对含量>0.1%的结构类似杂质共3种,分别为二碘代-L-甲状腺原氨酸、氯代三碘代-L-甲状腺原氨酸、L-甲状腺素,对映异构体拆分结果表明NIM-RM3239中不含主成分的对映异构体。研究结果可作为质量平衡法定值依据,用于研制纯度型T3国家一级有证标准物质。
  • 图  1  T3 标准物质在氘代 DMSO 中的核磁共振碳谱与氢谱

    Figure  1.  Carbon and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of T3 reference material in deuterated DMSO

    图  2  高效液相色谱串联高分辨质谱分析 T3 标准物质(A) 紫外吸收色谱图;(B)主成分质谱图

    Figure  2.  Impurities analysis of T3 reference material using UPLC coupled high-resolution MS. (A) UV spectrometry; (B)Mass spectra of main peak

    图  3  主成分及结构类似杂质二级质谱图(A)杂质 3;(B)主成分;(C)杂质 2;(D)杂质 1

    Figure  3.  The tandem product ions distribution for main compound and the structural-related impurities (A) Impurity 3; (B)Main compound; (C) Impurity 2; (D) Impurity 1

    图  4  杂质1鉴定结果验证:不同脱碘位置的二碘甲腺原氨酸色谱与质谱对比

    Figure  4.  Validation of impurity 1 identification: The LC chromatography and MS spectrum comparison between impurity 1 and three kinds of diiodothyroxines

    图  5  杂质3鉴定结果验证: 杂质3与L-甲状腺素色谱与质谱对比

    Figure  5.  Validation of impurity 3 identification: the LC chromatography and MS spectrum comparison between impurity 3 and L-Thyronine.

    图  6  L-/D-T3的离子淌度质谱图(A,B)波速300 m/s、波高40v下淌度谱图;(C,D)波速900 m/s、波高40v下淌度谱图;(E,F)波速300 m/s、波高40v下淌度谱图

    Figure  6.  Ion mobility spectrometry of L-/D-T3 solution under (A,B)wave velocity 300 m/s, wave height 40v; (C,D)wave velocity 900 m/s, wave height 40v, and (E,F)wave velocity 1200 m/s, wave height 40v, respectively

    图  7  基于环果聚糖色谱柱拆分L型、D型T3(A)L-T3基峰色谱图;(B)D-T3基峰色谱图;(C)L-/D-型T3混合样本

    Figure  7.  Separation of L-T3 and D-T3 using derivatized cyclofructan liquid chromatography. (A) Base peak ion chromatogram of L-T3;(B) Base peak ion chromatogram of D-T3; (C) Base peak ion chromatogram of L-/D-T3 mixture

    表  1  T3纯度标准物质中主要结构近似杂质分布

    Table  1.   The main impurities involved in T3 reference material

    代号 质荷比 分子式
    杂质1 525.89 C15H13I2NO4
    杂质2 559.86 C15H11ClI2NO4
    杂质3 777.69 C15H11I4NO4
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