
    Certification of Reference Materials for Distillation of Kerosene

    • 摘要: 基于GB/T 6536-2010石油产品蒸馏特性测定,研究馏程的测定方法。重点研究回收温度的量值溯源方法,实现了铂电阻温度计测定的回收温度和水银温度计的结果等效一致。联合多家实验室合作为煤油标准物质定值,此标准物质的初馏点到95%回收温度的不确定度Uck=2)在0.7℃~4.6℃范围内。


      Abstract: This paper studies the atmospheric distillation method based on the method in the national standard GB/T 6536-2010, with the focus on the traceability of the recovered temperature. The consistency between the measured recovered temperatures by a platinum resistance and by a mercury thermometer was achieved. We collaborated with several laboratories to certify the CRM developed. The uncertainty of the certified values Uc (k=2) from the initial boiling temperature to 95% of the recovered temperature ranged from 0.7 ℃ to 4.6 ℃.


