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Vol. 68, No. 6 06 2024
monthly CN 10-1696/TB ISSN 2096-9015
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With the advent of the digital age, algorithms increasingly dominate the development of various industries and the emergence of new sectors, giving rise to a digital economy-led industrial landscape. Metrology, as the science of measurement and its application, is rapidly entering the digital era, with the promotion of digital transformation in the metrology industry becoming a top priority. Consequently, evaluating the accuracy and reliability of algorithmic software outputs has become a focal point of current research. This paper employs a digital metrology method based on reference data, using the output of a leukemia recognition algorithm software applied to patient clinical test data as the measurement result. It establishes an evaluation model for the leukemia recognition algorithm, outlines the specific process for assessing measurement uncertainty, and calculates the combined standard uncertainty of the measurand.
As the number of vehicles in China continues to increase, pollution from automobile exhaust has become increasingly severe. To control environmental pollution, China promulgated the "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" as early as 1987. In 2013, the European Union released the Euro VI standard (EURO VI A-VI D). China, drawing on the Euro VI standard and considering its national conditions, issued GB 18352.6-2016 "Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles (China 6)" (hereinafter referred to as the China VI standard) in 2016, which was implemented in phases starting from January 2020. This standard has set new requirements for the regulation and quality control traceability of automobile exhaust emissions. This article compares the differences in emission quality control requirements between the China V and China VI standards, and introduces the measurement methods for updated emission-limited pollutants in the China VI standard, including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), nitrous oxide (N2O), particle number (PN), and particulate matter (PM). It also describes China's exhaust emission detection and traceability technology from the aspects of developing national gas reference materials, establishing measurement standards, and founding national automobile testing centers. The analysis shows that existing capabilities and technical levels cannot meet some emission detection requirements in the China VI standard. The article proposes areas in current traceability technology that need further optimization, such as the condensation particle counter in particle number (PN) measurement instruments. It points out that research and improvement should be accelerated on metrological indicators like particle concentration attenuation coefficient, volatile particle removal efficiency, and dilution ratio. Regarding the requirements for determining methyl chloroformate and benzo[a]pyrene pollutants specified in the Euro VI standard, China currently lacks corresponding reference materials and traceability systems. It is necessary to develop compliant reference materials and establish traceability standards to prepare for increasingly updated quality control requirements both domestically and internationally. The article also offers suggestions in response to the proposed European seventh stage emission standard (Euro 7).
Uncertainty evaluation is a crucial component in the dissemination of measurement values. Following the publication of JJF 1059.2-2012 "Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Using the Monte Carlo Method," this approach has been increasingly applied across various metrological disciplines. Using Python, calculation codes were developed employing both the Monte Carlo method and the adaptive Monte Carlo method. Taking the calibration of a 100 MPa oil-medium piston gauge as an example, the uncertainty of the calibrated effective area was evaluated. The impact of uncertainties and probability distribution models of various input quantities on the output uncertainty was analyzed and compared with results from traditional evaluation methods. The findings indicate that the primary source of uncertainty in the calibration of the piston's effective area is the uncertainty introduced by the standard piston's effective area. Results obtained using the Monte Carlo method align with those from traditional evaluations, both yielding a relative expanded uncertainty (k=2) of 32 ppm. The probability density distribution of the calibrated effective area is determined by the probability density distribution of the main influencing factors.
Over the past decade, cosmetic quality and safety issues have increasingly become a focus of consumer concern. Many well-known cosmetic brands have been reported to contain prohibited or restricted substances, not only harming consumer interests and causing economic losses to cosmetic companies but also challenging regulatory agencies and quality inspection institutions. Cosmetic matrix reference materials, due to their similarity to real samples, are widely used in developing and evaluating analytical methods for cosmetics with similar matrices, laboratory proficiency testing, and quality control of qualitative and quantitative analyses. They play an irreplaceable role in ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and traceability of test results, serving as important "measurement instruments" in the analytical field. This article reviews the development of cosmetic matrix reference materials in China from 1993 to the present. Starting from the definition and classification of cosmetics, it analyzes aspects such as the types of target additives, matrix types, and grading of reference materials. Based on the main challenges faced in this field, it anticipates the demand and trends for cosmetic matrix reference materials and proposes solutions to constraints on their development, aiming to provide references for future research on cosmetic matrix reference materials.
The Evaluation Method and Application Research of Measurement Uncertainty
JIN Haoyuan, LIU Jun
2021, 65(5): 124-131.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9002
[Abstract](3117) [FullText HTML](1977) [PDF 655KB](1104)
Application of Digital Twins in Medical and Health Fields and Related Research Progress
CHEN Yuefei, WANG Sisi, TIAN Mingqi, CHEN Chuan
2021, 65(10): 6-9.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2021.0050
[Abstract](2222) [FullText HTML](2705) [PDF 540KB](441)
A Method to Improve the Accuracy of Data Center PUE Based on Energy Measurement
LI Anxiang, SHEN Qingfei, ZHOU Xin, WU Tong, DOU Lilan, ZHANG Yan, GUO Hongbo, HAN Xiangxun
2021, 65(9): 44-47.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9010
[Abstract](801) [FullText HTML](358) [PDF 638KB](74)
The Metrology Technology of Medical Wearable Physiological Parameter Monitoring Equipment
ZHOU Feng, DING Xiang
2021, 65(8): 7-10.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9056
[Abstract](765) [FullText HTML](440) [PDF 534KB](171)
Analysis of an Electrochemical Gas Sensor for Measuring Carbon Monoxide
LI Guangyi
2021, 65(3): 40-43.   doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-9015.2021.03.08
[Abstract](1058) [FullText HTML](538) [PDF 782KB](57)
Research on the Importance and Development in the Digital Era of Metrology and Measurement
DOU Chen, ZHOU Zili
2022, 66(9): 70-73.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2022.0168
[Abstract](796) [FullText HTML](277) [PDF 507KB](136)
Calibration: Interpretation of Definition and Expression of Measurement Uncertainty
WANG Weinong
2023, 67(2): 58-61.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2022.0225
[Abstract](725) [FullText HTML](282) [PDF 500KB](161)
Recent Prospects on Some Problems in Inertial Technology Metrology
YE Wen, CAI Chenguang, YANG Ping, QUAN Wei, XING Li, HU Ruo
2021, 65(3): 9-14, 52.   doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-9015.2021.03.02
[Abstract](1022) [FullText HTML](497) [PDF 623KB](140)
惯性技术是研究运载体运动信息(位置、速度、姿态等)的获取与感知技术,是一个国家科学技术水平和国防实力的核心标志之一。在国防和国民经济建设重大需求的牵引下,惯性技术一直备受各国的高度重视,属于基础性、战略性和前沿性的军民两用高新技术。在惯性技术中,陀螺仪是测量运载体角速度的核心仪表,是运载体进行姿态调整/控制、实现自主/隐蔽导航的核心信息源之一, 其发展呈高精度和微型化两种趋势。本文总结梳理了惯性技术的发展动态和研究现状, 重点强调了陀螺仪的发展现状及惯性测试计量研究内容, 展望了新SI时代的原子惯性计量。
Research Progress on Common Measurement Methods of Nucleic Acid Reference Materials
CHEN Guifang, OUYANG Yanyan, YANG Jiayi, GAO Yunhua
2021, 65(6): 25-33.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9022
[Abstract](1052) [FullText HTML](691) [PDF 1030KB](286)
Application of FTIR in the Research on Gas Reference Materials
WANG Defa, ZHOU Fengran, YE Jing, ZHANG Tiqiang, ZENG Wu, HAN Qiao
2021, 65(5): 67-76.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9041
[Abstract](985) [FullText HTML](717) [PDF 937KB](125)
The Evaluation Method and Application Research of Measurement Uncertainty
JIN Haoyuan, LIU Jun
2021, 65(5): 124-131.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2020.9002
[Abstract](3117) [FullText HTML](1977) [PDF 655KB](1977)
In this paper, the development history of measurement uncertainty, the current research status at home and abroad, and the possible future development directions are mainly introduced. The seven main evaluation algorithms are introduced and summarized, and the current situation of the application of measurement uncertainty in different fields is investigated and summarized. Finally, the applicable scenarios of different evaluation algorithms are summarized, and the possible future development directions of measurement uncertainty are discussed.
Application of Digital Twins in Medical and Health Fields and Related Research Progress
CHEN Yuefei, WANG Sisi, TIAN Mingqi, CHEN Chuan
2021, 65(10): 6-9.   doi: 10.12338/j.issn.2096-9015.2021.0050
[Abstract](2222) [FullText HTML](2705) [PDF 540KB](2705)
Digital twins are widely used in medical and health fields. This paper introduces the basics of digital twins, the development status, and their applications in medical and health fields, including real-time acquisition of patient conditions, provision of safe environments, construction of an all-round service platform for innovation, etc. This paper points out two development trends of digital twins in medical and health fields and raises the problems that may arise in the use of digital twins in those fields.