
    Influence of Capacitive Leakage on Electric Energy Measurement with a Standard Meter Under Real-Load Conditions

    • 摘要: 在实负荷下进行电能计量时,加在电能/功率标准表电流端的电压会对标准电能计量产生一定影响,尤其在小电流时这种影响会对设备测量造成较大偏差。经试验证明,实负荷时一定的电压加在电流端后,设备内的分布电容会产生容性泄漏电流,该泄漏电流叠加在功率/电能标准表的测量回路上,会给小电流量程下电流幅值和相位的测量引入误差,导致标准表电能/功率测量的不准确,甚至超出设备准确度的要求。


      Abstract: When measuring electric energy under real-load conditions, the voltage applied to the current input of the standard meter introduces unwanted electric energy, especially at low currents. Experiment results showed that the voltage applied to the current input under real-load conditions produces capacitive leakage current through the distributed capacitance. The leakage current is added on the energy/power measuring circuit, which leads to errors in the measurement of the current amplitude and phase in low-current ranges.


