
    Application of Digital Twins in Medical and Health Fields and Related Research Progress

    • 摘要: 数字孪生技术在医疗健康领域应用日益广泛,本文介绍了数字孪生的基本原理,总结了数字孪生技术在医疗健康领域的发展现状与应用,即患者状况实时获取、安全环境提供、全方位的创新服务平台搭建等,指出了数字孪生技术在医疗健康领域的两大发展趋势,并提出在医疗健康领域使用数字孪生技术可能产生的问题。


      Abstract: Digital twins are widely used in medical and health fields. This paper introduces the basics of digital twins, the development status, and their applications in medical and health fields, including real-time acquisition of patient conditions, provision of safe environments, construction of an all-round service platform for innovation, etc. This paper points out two development trends of digital twins in medical and health fields and raises the problems that may arise in the use of digital twins in those fields.


