
    Application of Data Mining in Value-Added Measurement Services

    • 摘要: 计量业务管理信息化、证书报告数字化为各级计量技术机构积累了海量数据,这些数据大多用于检定或校准结果的合法性判定,其潜在价值没有得到充分挖掘。本文通过分类分析、聚类分析和关联分析等方法,分析了数据挖掘在计量增值服务中的应用途径和意义,并以实例的形式证明计量大数据挖掘可为客户提供优质高效的增值服务,产生良好的社会效益和经济效益。


      Abstract: In activities associated with measurement information management, institutions have accumulated a large amount of data in the process of digitalization of certificates and reports. The data are generally used to verify that calibrated parameters of instruments conform to legal requirements. The potential value of these data is often be ignored. This paper is concerned with mining the potential value of the measurement big data for value-added customer services. Methods of classification analysis, cluster analysis and association analysis are applied in this paper. It shows that data mining is an efficient method for digging measurement big data for social and economic benefits.


