
    Quality Assurance of Neutron Activation Analysis for the Determination of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Elements

    • 摘要: 仪器中子活化分析具有灵敏度高、无需样品预处理、可测元素种类多等优点,是大气颗粒物元素含量分析的常用方法之一,为污染源解析提供重要的数据基础。本文归纳整理了NAA实验室利用相对比较法和单比较器k0法分析大气颗粒物样品工作中各实验流程的质量保证过程,以及内、外部质量控制方法。


      Abstract: The instrumental neutron activation analysis has advantages including high sensitivity, no need for sample pretreatment, and a wide variety of measurable elements. It is one of the common methods for analyzing the element content of atmospheric particulate matter and can provide an important data basis for the analysis of pollution sources. This article summarizes the quality assurance process of each experimental process in the NAA laboratory using the relative comparison method and the single comparator k0 method to analyze atmospheric particulate matter samples, as well as internal and external quality control methods.


