
    Impact of High Altitude on Breath Alcohol Analyzer Measurements

    • 摘要: 呼出气体酒精含量检测仪作为对酒驾呼气检测的主要计量器具,该类仪器根据工作原理主要分为两种类型:燃料电池型和红外吸收型。酒精含量检测仪广泛应用于我国不同海拔地区的交管部门,作为酒驾执法的工具,其量值准确性直接关乎交警执法查处的力度和科学执法的公平公正。JJG 657-2019《呼出气体酒精含量检测仪》计量检定规程要求采用空气中乙醇国家有证一级标准物质或发生源产生的空气中乙醇标准气体来对酒检仪进行检测,附录C说明了这些标准物质的特性量值在使用时mg/L为浓度单位时,受检定时的大气压的影响,需要根据使用时的大气压对其进行修正,但酒检仪本身是否会受大气压的影响目前还没有相关研究。为研究不同海拔高度对这两种原理的酒检仪测量数据的影响,将计量标准和被测计量器具分别在海拔高度20 m、3560 m的地区进行了实地验证。实验结果表明,对于我国交警通常使用的燃料电池型酒检仪,无论是酒驾还是醉驾的判定点,偏差均不超过0.04 mg/L,海拔高度对酒检仪的影响在可控的误差范围内,不会影响酒检仪的测量准确性,我国高海拔地区也可以开展酒驾执法呼气检测项目的准确量传。


      Abstract: The breath alcohol analyzer, or breathalyzer, is essential for measuring breath alcohol content in law enforcement, particularly in drunk driving cases. Operating on two principal mechanisms - fuel cell and infrared absorption - these devices are deployed at various altitudes by traffic control authorities across China. Accurate readings are critical for ensuring rigorous and fair law enforcement. According to China’s National Verification Regulation JJG657-2019 for breath alcohol analyzers, these instruments are tested using first-class national certified reference materials (CRMs C2H5OH/Air) or ethanol standard gas. Appendix C indicates that the reference materials’ property values, measured in mg/L, are influenced by atmospheric pressure, necessitating corrections based on the pressure at the usage location. However, the extent to which atmospheric pressure affects the breathalyzer’s accuracy remains understudied. This study investigates the impact of altitude on measurement accuracy for both types of breathalyzers, conducting field verifications at 20 m and 3560 m altitudes. The results show that, for fuel cell type analyzers commonly used by traffic police, the deviation at critical points for determining drunk driving does not exceed 0.04 mg/L. Altitude impacts on these devices fall within a manageable error range, preserving measurement accuracy. Thus, accurate breath alcohol measurement for drunk driving law enforcement remains viable in China’s high-altitude regions.


