With the advancement of artificial intelligence, intelligent unmanned systems have been widely adopted across various fields. Accurate motion perception is a critical prerequisite for the safe operation of these systems. Inertial technology serves as the only effective means for intelligent unmanned systems to autonomously achieve motion perception in complex environmental conditions. The measurement principles of inertial sensors are undergoing significant transformations, and their widespread application in intelligent unmanned systems continues to drive the development of inertial measurement technology. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of motion perception, it is imperative to establish a traceability system that supports the advancement of inertial measurement technology. This paper reviews the traditional traceability chain of inertial technology and the metrological equipment required for inertial technology traceability. By quantizing Earth's surface parameters, the two most fundamental inertial parameters—acceleration and angular velocity—are traced back to basic physical constants. The paper elaborates on the precise measurement and application of atomic interferometers in gravitational acceleration and angular velocity, as well as the current research status both domestically and internationally, including the latest developments in atomic interferometer gyroscopes and atomic gravimeters. Finally, a brief summary and discussion are provided on the establishment of the inertial measurement system. Future work will focus on researching new measurement methods to guide the development of innovative inertial measurement equipment, while enhancing the intelligence, automation, and scalability of inertial calibration systems.