
    Research on the High Reliable Timing Method Based on GNSS

    • 摘要: 为了提高电力系统时间传递的准确性、稳定性和实时性,提出了一种基于GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System,全球导航卫星系统)的高可靠电力系统授时方法,可支持对本地电力系统铷钟的三种授时模式,即北京市计量检测科学研究院保持的原子时标远程授时、GNSS系统授时和铷原子钟频率预测修正,确保在时间传递标准或传递链路正常时、有故障时以及所有通信手段都中断的特殊时期,电力系统时钟均可溯源到国家时间基准UTC(NIM)。在三种授时模式下分别进行数据比对实验,实验结果表明,三种模式下的标准偏差和时间稳定度均达到并优于与UTC(NIM)实现同步的预期目标。


      Abstract: To improve the accuracy, stability and real-time performance of the power system time transfer, a kind of high reliable power system timing method based on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is proposed. This method can support three control modes of the local rubidium clock: the Beijing local atomic time standard remote timing, GNSS system timing and the rubidium atomic clock frequency estimate correction, to ensure the electric system clocks in sync with the national time standard UTC(NIM), respectively when the time transfer standard or the transfer link is normal or faulted or a special period in which all means of communication are interrupted. Data comparison experiments are performed in the three timing modes. The results show that the standard deviation and the time stability in the three modes all meet and exceed the expected goal of synchronization with UTC (NIM).


