
    Simulation and Experiments on Pipeline of Ultrasonic Water Meter for Small Diameter Application

    • 摘要: 超声波水表作为一种无可动部件的新型流量仪表,具有灵敏度高、量程比宽、重复性好以及始动流量小等优点,已应用于城市供水系统的主要管网。然而,对于家用的小口径超声波水表,由于超声波声程较短,导致小流量测量的性能较差,从而影响其在小口径测量中的应用。针对以上问题,设计了两种U型超声波水表管路,采用CFD流体仿真技术,对两个管路进行了流场分布和流动阻力的研究,获得了管路水平中心截面的速度云图和垂直截面的速度云图,分析了管路水平方向和垂直截面方向流速与流量修正系数的关系,以及水流方向的速度变化情况,结果表明支架管路具有更稳定的流场区域和流场对称性。最终的实验结果验证了支架管路的重复性、测量误差均优于立柱管路。


      Abstract: As a new type of flow meter without movable parts, ultrasonic water meter has the advantages of high sensitivity, large measurement range, high repeatability and small start flow. It has been applied to the main pipe network of urban water supply system. However, the ultrasonic water meters using for domestic area has the problems in small pipeline due to the short acoustic path. In order to solve the above problems, the two types ultrasonic water meter with U-shaped acoustic path are designed. The CFD fluid simulation technology is used to simulate the two pipelines. The flow field and pressure drop are studied. The velocity map of the horizontal section and the vertical section are extracted respectively. The relationship of flowrate and flow correction coefficient is analysed at the direction of flow and pipe section. The flowrate variety is also analysed.The simulation results show that the brace pipeline has more stable flow field area and better symmetry. The final experimental results demonstrated that the repeatability and measurement errors of the bracket pipeline are superior to the column pipeline.


