
    Analysis of the Type and Application of Guides for Indoor Standard Devices for Large-scale Length Measurement

    • 摘要: 介绍了直线导轨副的基本型式、原理和在大长度实验室中的应用情况;就两种主流的应用型式—气体静压导轨副和滚动直线导轨副,分别选择中国计量科学研究院的80 m导轨副和中国测试技术研究院的60 m导轨副作为实例进行了性能分析,可为以后的室内大长度计量标准装置的建设提供借鉴。


      Abstract: This paper introduces the primary type and principles of linear guides and their application in large-scale length measurement. Performance analysis was made on two mainstream types of guide, i.e. the 80-m aerostatic guide at the National Institute of Metrology, China and the 60-m linear motion rolling guide at the National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, China, which could shed light on development of standard devices for large-scale length measurement.


