Research on 4000 Cycles of Variable Temperature Test Based on Flow Sensor
摘要: 热量表作为热计量贸易结算的重要计量器具,必须保证计量的准确性和长期可靠性。国产热量表投入市场后质量问题频出,部分已被进口产品取代。国产表在使用中出现的问题虽然很多,但最终都归结于长期稳定性不好。反映到试验测试上,即为耐久性测试试验,该试验也是国产热量表与欧洲产品标准在技术要求上最大、最重要的差别项目。本试验针对国产热量表建立基于4000次变温度试验的研究,与2400 h+300 h试验方式进行比较,实现国产表耐久性评估的完善与延续,在国内首次实现对热量表长期应用性实验室条件下的全面技术评估,提升我国热量表产品质量水平,推动热量表行业转型升级,促进供热计量改革的进行。
- 热量表流量传感器 /
- 耐久性 /
- 4000次变温度试验 /
- 2400 h变流量试验
Abstract: As an important measuring instrument in the trade settlement of heat measurement, the heat meter must ensure the accuracy and long-term reliability. Domestic heat meters have been put into the market with frequent quality problems, and some of them have been replaced by imported products. Although there are many problems in the use of domestic meters, they are ultimately attributed to poor long-term stability. This is reflected in the durability test, which is also the biggest and most important difference between domestic heat meters and European product standards in terms of technical requirements. This test establishes a study based on 4000 cycles of variable temperature test for domestic heat meters and compares it with the 2400 h+300 h test method, so as to realize the improvement and continuation of durability evaluation of domestic heat meter. It is the first time in China to realize comprehensive technical evaluation of heat meters under long-term application laboratory conditions, which contributes to improving the level of heat meter product quality in China, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the heat meter industry, and facilitating the heat supply metering reform. -
表 1 2400 h和4000次试验结果统计
Table 1. Results comparison
项目 台 占比(%) 2400 h合格、4000次合格 30 93.8 2400 h合格、4000次不合格 2 6.2 2400 h不合格、4000次不合格 0 0 2400 h不合格、4000次合格 0 0 -
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