Development of a Reference Material for Composition Analysis of Selenium in Water
摘要: 以高纯硒、高纯盐酸和三次纯化水为原料,在对高纯硒的纯度进行定值的基础上,采用重量—容量法制备了水中硒成分分析标准物质。分别采用F检验和直线拟合法对研制的标准物质进行均匀性检验和稳定性考察。结果表明,研制的水中硒成分分析标准物质具有很好的均匀性和短期、长期稳定性,标准值为1000 μg/mL,相对扩展不确定度Urel=1%(k=2),采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法与国内同类标准物质比对,表明该标准物质量值准确且具有溯源性。
- 硒 /
- 溶液标准物质 /
- 重量—容量法 /
- 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
Abstract: A reference material for composition analysis of selenium in water was developed by using the gravimetric-volumetric method on the basis of determination of the high-purity selenium and with high-purity selenium, high-purity hydrochloric acid, and triple purified water as raw materials. The homogeneity and stability of the developed reference material were examined by using the F test and the linear fitting method, respectively. The results showed that the reference material has good homogeneity and short-term and long-term stability, with the standard value of 1000 μg/mL and the relative expanded uncertainty of 1% (k=2). The ICP-OES method was used to compare the reference material with another domestic reference material, demonstrating the accuracy and traceability of the value of the reference material.-
Key words:
- selenium /
- solution reference material /
- gravimetric-volumetric method /
表 1 高纯硒中杂质元素辉光放电质谱法测定结果
Table 1. Determination of impurity elements in high-purity selenium by GD-MS
元素 含量(μg/g) 元素 含量(μg/g) 元素 含量(μg/g) 元素 含量(μg/g) Li <0.005 Co <0.01 Cd <0.5 Tm <0.01 Be <0.005 Ni 0.04 Sn <0.1 Yb <0.01 B 0.02 Cu 0.08 Sb <0.1 Lu <0.01 F <0.1 Zn <0.05 Te <0.1 Hf <0.01 Na 1.3 Ga <0.01 I <0.1 W <0.005 Mg 0.02 Ge <0.05 Cs <0.5 Re <0.005 Al 0.29 As <0.1 Ba <0.01 Os <0.005 Si 8.2 Br <0.5 La <0.01 Ir <0.01 P 0.11 Rb <0.01 Ce <0.01 Pt <0.01 Cl 1.8 Sr <0.01 Pr <0.01 Au <0.1 K <0.5 Y <0.01 Nd <0.01 Hg <0.05 Ca 0.08 Zr 0.94 Sm <0.01 Tl <0.05 Sc <0.005 Nb <0.01 Eu <0.01 Pb 0.39 Ti 0.02 Mo <0.01 Gd <0.01 Bi <0.01 V <0.005 Ru <0.05 Tb <0.01 Th <0.001 Cr 0.1 Rh <0.05 Dy <0.01 U <0.001 Mn <0.01 Pd <0.05 Ho <0.01 杂质
总量16 Fe 0.57 Ag <0.05 Er <0.01 表 2 高纯硒中气体杂质元素测定结果
Table 2. Determination of gaseous impurity elements in high-purity selenium
元素 C S O N H 杂质总量 平均值(μg/g) 3.4 2.3 9.8 5.2 0.82 22 表 3 ICP-MS法测定高纯水和盐酸中的杂质含量
Table 3. Determination of impurity elements in high-purity water and hydrochloric acid by ICP-MS
元素 含量(ng/mL) 元素 含量(ng/mL) 纯水 1%盐酸 纯水 1%盐酸 Li 0.017 0.012 Mo 0.002 0.002 Be 0.001 0.002 Pd — — B 3.684 1.102 Ag 0.092 0.064 Na 7.192 6.011 Cd 0.001 0.011 Mg 0.304 0.966 In 0.013 0.018 Al 0.045 0.991 Sn 0.010 0.047 Si 3.213 3.500 Sb 0.006 3.651 P 5.934 5.356 Cs — — S 38.265 41.263 Ba 0.098 1.273 Cl 1.073 1.145 La — 0.002 K 7.102 6.188 Ce 0.023 0.614 Ca 1.766 1.341 Pr — — Sc 0.192 0.200 Nd — 0.001 Ti 0.036 0.137 Sm — — V 0.755 1.133 Eu — — Cr 0.391 1.326 Gd — — Mn 0.029 0.048 Tb 0.046 1.117 Fe 0.169 0.108 Dy — — Co 0.017 0.004 Ho — — Ni 0.168 0.561 Er — — Cu 0.041 0.212 Tm — — Zn 0.065 0.084 Yb — — Ga 0.001 0.025 Lu 0.001 0.013 Ge 0.008 0.058 Hf — — As 0.381 5.057 Ta 0.002 — Se 0.706 0.687 W 0.008 0.001 Br 1.352 2.313 Pt — — Kr — — Au — 0.001 Rb 0.004 0.002 Hg 0.004 0.005 Sr 0.003 0.041 Tl — — Y — 0.001 Pb 0.041 0.054 Zr 0.002 0.004 Bi 0.001 0.011 Nb — 0.001 U 0.006 0.018 表 4 均匀性检验结果
Table 4. Results of uniformity test
单元数 单次测量值(μg/mL) 平均值(μg/mL) 1 2 3 1 998 1005 1002 1002 2 999 1000 1004 1001 3 1001 996 994 997 4 997 1005 999 1000 5 996 1002 1002 1000 6 1002 997 1002 1000 7 1002 996 1000 999 8 1002 1007 1008 1006 9 1004 1000 1007 1004 10 1003 997 996 999 11 1007 1005 1003 1005 12 998 1002 996 999 总平均值(μg/mL) 1001 表 5 稳定性检验统计结果
Table 5. Statistical results of stability test
统计结果 −20 ℃短期稳定性 50 ℃短期稳定性 长期稳定性 斜率$\left| {{\beta _1}} \right|$ 0.005 0.13 0.16 斜率的标准偏差$s\left( {{\beta _1}} \right)$ 0.24 0.13 0.23 ${t_{0.95,4}}$ 2.78 2.78 2.78 ${t_{0.95,4}} \cdot s\left( {{\beta _1}} \right)$ 0.67 0.37 0.65 表 6 量值比对结果
Table 6. Comparison result
元素 国家二级标准物质
测量值(μg/mL)|En| 硒 2.001 1.994 0.21 -
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