Evaluation of the Uncertainty in Measurement Results of Thermal Efficiency of Electric Rice Cookers
摘要: 依据新国标GB 12021.6-2017《电饭锅能效限定值及能效等级》中热效率测量方法,测量电饭锅热效率,对热效率测量结果的不确定度进行评定,更准确地判定市场上电饭锅的能效等级。Abstract: According to the thermal efficiency measurement method in the new national standard GB 12021.6-2017 “Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades”, the thermal efficiency of the electric rice cookers is measured, and the uncertainty of the thermal efficiency measurement results is evaluated to more accurately determine the energy efficiency grade of electric rice cookers on the market.
表 1 电饭锅热效率值10次独立测量数据表
Table 1. Data sheet of 10 independent measurements of the thermal efficiency value of electric rice cookers
第i次 $\eta $/(%) $\eta - \bar \eta $/(%) ${t_1}$/℃ ${t_2}$/℃ $({t_2} - {t_1})$/℃ E/(W·h) 1 84.18 0.10 24.6 92.4 67.8 298.98 2 84.39 0.31 24.5 91.7 67.2 295.59 3 83.93 −0.15 23.5 92.5 69.0 305.17 4 84.27 0.19 23.4 91.9 68.5 301.75 5 83.85 −0.23 24.0 91.4 67.4 298.39 6 84.46 0.38 23.6 91.9 68.3 300.19 7 83.87 −0.21 23.8 91.9 68.1 301.42 8 84.10 0.02 23.9 91.6 67.7 298.80 9 83.81 −0.27 23.7 91.2 67.5 298.96 10 83.99 −0.09 23.5 91.9 68.4 302.31 $\bar \eta $ 84.08 23.9 91.8 68.0 300.16 注:额定容积是4.0 L,内锅加水质量G为3.2 kg(额定容积的80%的水的质量)。 -
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