An Evaluation System for Natural Gas Flow Computers
摘要: 流量计算机作为天然气计量贸易交接的重要计量器具和依据,有必要制定评价其结构、性能、安全性和一致性的要求和测试的标准。开发了天然气流量计算机评价检测软件,实现了数据采集评价、流量计算验证、物性参数评价及环境影响因素评价等功能。完成了天然气流量计算机评价检测系统的设计及软硬件配置,建立了流量计算机评价检测标准装置,形成了天然气流量计算机评价检测系统,实现了对流量计算机及其配套传感器准确度的评价,对评价检测系统进行了实验室和现场应用测试实验。Abstract: Flow computers are an important measuring instrument for natural gas measurement and trade. It is necessary to formulate requirements and a test standard for evaluating the structure, performance, safety, and consistency of flow computers. Test software for natural gas flow computers was developed, having functions of data collection and evaluation, flow calculation and verification, and evaluation of physical parameters and environmental factors. A test syste for evaluating natural gas flow computers and associated sensors was then developed. Tests were carried out on the system in
Key words:
- flow computer /
- accuracy /
- repeatability /
- reliability /
- evaluation method /
- natural gas /
- software development
表 1 流量计算机的最大允许误差(MPE)
Table 1. Maximum permissible error (MPE) of a flow computer
指示或部件 参考条件 额定工作条件 体积转换的主示值(ec) ±0.3% ±0.5% 计算机(ef) ±0.1% ±0.1% 温度(et) ±0.1% ±0.2% 压力(ep) ±0.1% ±0.2% 表 2 装置的主要设备
Table 2. List of the main equipment of the test system
名称 型号 测量范围 不确定度或准确度等级或最大允许误差(MPE) 函数信号发生器 SPF05A 1 µHz~5 MHz Uf=0.005 Hz,k=2,f=1 Hz 多功能计数器 SG3310 1 Hz~1.5 GHz U=2×10-7,k=2 直流电阻箱 ZX74 0.1~1111.21 Ω 0.01级 ZX75 0.01~11111.11 Ω 0.01级 多功能校验仪 MC6 0~22 mA U=0.0008 mA,k=2 0~5 MHz U=0.3 Hz,k=2 744 0~20 mA U=0.0010 mA,k=2 744 0~20 mA U=0.0010 mA,k=2 绝缘电阻表 3001B 500 V,1000 V 2.0级 耐电压测试仪 CC2670A 0~5 kV 5级 表 3 流量通道测试数据
Table 3. Test results of the flow channel of #16 flow computer
标准值(m3/h) 测量值(m3/h) 误差(m3/h) 相对误差(%) 5771.31 5481.54 289.77 5.0 11542.6 10990.6 552.04 4.8 17313.9 16508.2 805.72 4.7 23085.3 22031.1 1054.12 4.6 28856.6 27557.8 1298.76 4.5 表 4 温度压力通道测试数据
Table 4. Test results of the temperature and the pressure channels of #16 flow computer
温度通道 压力通道 标准值(℃) 测量值(℃) 误差(℃) 引用误差(%) 标准值(MPa) 测量值(MPa) 误差(MPa) 引用误差(%) −30.000 −29.976 0.024 0.02 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.02 −2.500 −2.457 0.043 0.04 3.000 3.005 0.005 0.04 25.000 25.07 0.070 0.06 6.000 6.007 0.007 0.06 52.500 52.598 0.098 0.09 9.000 9.009 0.009 0.08 80.000 80.125 0.125 0.11 12.000 12.011 0.011 0.09 -
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