Longitudinal Piezoelectric Constant Measurement by Quasi-Static Method and Its Calibration
摘要: 纵向压电应变常数是压电材料的关键参数之一,准静态法是最常用的压电常数测量方法,而不同准静态压电测量仪的测试结果常存在一定差异。基于动态力传感器建立了可直接溯源的准静态法测量系统,研究准静态法压电常数测量的影响因素,包括预紧力、交变大小和电极形状等。PZT4和PZT5的测试结果表明:预紧力需达到10 N,交变力超过0.1 N,压电常数测量结果才能趋于稳定;采用球面半径较小的电极夹持压电材料,能够得到相对准确的纵向压电常数。在此基础上,探讨了商用压电测量仪的校准方法,校准参数应包括交变力大小、预紧力大小和示值误差等。Abstract: Longitudinal piezoelectric constant is one of the key parameters of piezoelectric materials. The quasi-static method is most widely used to measure this constant. There are often differences in measurement results obtained using commercial instruments. A quasi-static measurement system was established with a dynamic force sensor, traceable to the primary standard. Factors affecting measurement were systematically studied, including the pretension force, the dynamic force, and the electrode shape. In order to obtain stable measurement results of the piezoelectric constant, the static force should be more than 10 N and the dynamic force no less than 0.1 N. Relatively more accurate measurement results of the piezoelectric constant were obtained using an electrode with a smaller spherical radius to clamp the piezoelectric material. Calibration of commercial longitudinal piezoelectric measuring instruments is discussed. The parameters to be calibrated should include the dynamic force, the static force, and the measurement error.
表 1 不同电极形状的影响
Table 1. The influence of different electrode shapes
电极球面半径(mm) 2 5 50 PZT5(pC/N) 418±3 412±3 403±4 PZT4(pC/N) 321±2 312±2 296±3 表 2 交变力频率和大小校准结果
Table 2. Results of frequency and magnitude of dynamic force
型号 标称交变力/N 测量值/N 标称频率/Hz 测量值/Hz A 0.25 0.24 110 108.2 B 0.25 0.24 110 109.3 C 0.25 0.25 110 110.0 表 3 压电应变常数示值误差
Table 3. Indication error of piezoelectric strain constant
参考试样pC/N 型号 示值pC/N 示值误差/% 246.2 A 257.4 4.5 B 256.6 4.2 C 249.3 1.2 415.6 A 432.6 4.1 B 431.2 3.8 C 422.3 1.6 -
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