Research on High Voltage Power Frequency Electric Field Intensity in High Voltage Instrument and Equipment Measurement
摘要: 高压仪器设备在使用过程中产生高压工频电场,高压工频电场对人体健康存在风险隐患,而计量人员计量该类仪器设备往往需要近距离、长时间暴露在高压工频电场中。本文以选择较为典型的高压仪器——试验变压器作为被测对象,构建分析模型、制定详细的测试方案,采用高精度场强仪测定试验变压器在计量过程中的工频电场强度,并结合相关国家标准和数学模型,提出了多种抑制和屏蔽方案,通过试验对比了不同方案抑制和屏蔽方案的效果,并提出了相关计量安全防护建议。Abstract: High-voltage instruments and equipment in the use of the process will produce high-voltage industrial frequency electric field risks to human health, and measurement personnel in the measurement of such instruments and equipment often need to be close, long exposure to high-voltage industrial frequency electric field. This paper selected a high-voltage test transformer as the object to be tested. By constructing an analysis model and formulating a detailed test plan, a high-precision field strength meter was used to determine the power frequency electric field strength of the test transformer in the measurement process, Combined with related national standards and mathematical models, this paper proposed a variety of suppression and shielding schemes, compared the effects of different schemes through experiments, and proposed relevant measurement safety protection suggestions.
表 1 公众暴露控制限值频率与电场强度计算对照表
Table 1. Comparison table of public exposure control limit frequency and electric field intensity calculation
频率范围 电场强度E 1 ~8 Hz 8000 8 ~25 Hz 8000 0.025 ~1.2 kHz 200/f 1.2 ~2.9 kHz 200/f 2.9 ~57 kHz 70 57 ~100 kHz 4000/f 表 2 一些国家和国际机构工频电场暴露限值
Table 2. Power frequency electric field exposure limits in some countries and international organizations
国家及机构 频率(Hz) 电场强度E (V/m) 职业暴露 公众暴露 欧盟 50 10000 5000 美国IEEE 50 20000 5000 英国 50 12000 12000 澳大利亚 50/60 10000 5000 中国 50 5000 4000 表 3 试验变压器电场强度测试数据
Table 3. Test data of electric field strength of transformer
输出电压(50 Hz) 电场强度(V/m) 3 m 5 m 10 m 10 kV 1523 784 368 20 kV 3124 1412 672 30 kV 4513 2642 935 40 kV 6179 3317 1402 50 kV 7259 4109 1843 60 kV 8648 4892 2249 70 kV 11361 5673 2754 80 kV 12539 6297 2935 90 kV 13828 6954 3228 100 kV 15114 7639 3528 表 4 不同直径导线测试数据
Table 4. Test data of different diameter conductors
输出电压(50 Hz) 电场强度(V/m) 5 mm 3 mm 10 kV 739 606 50 kV 4128 3431 100 kV 7648 6454 表 5 不同直径导线测试数据
Table 5. Test data of different diameter conductors
输出电压(50 Hz) 电场强度(V/m) 无屏蔽 屏蔽 10 kV 739 216 50 kV 4128 1059 100 kV 7648 2084 -
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