A New Weighing System for Casting Machines for Measurement in Trade
摘要: 随着科学技术的飞速发展,铸造业对于浇铸的要求越来越高,自动浇铸技术是使高速成型生产线实现高质量、高生产力的关键技术,突破现有生产技术是智能浇铸的主要研究方向。为了适应应用技术的需求,在现有浇铸机的基础上,研发了一种用于贸易计量的浇铸机质量流量称量系统,该系统精度易于控制,结构相对紧凑。Abstract: The rapid development of science and technology imposes increasingly demanding requirements for casting in the casting industry. Automatic casting techniques are key to high quality and productivity of high-speed molding production lines. Breakthrough in production techniques is the main research direction in intelligent casting. In order to meet the needs of applied technology, based on existing casting machines, a mass flow weighing system for casting machines for measurement in trade was developed. The system is easy to control and has a relatively compact structure.
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