Discussions on Calibration and Verification Methods for Measuring Gain Compression of Spectrum Analyzers
摘要: 增益压缩是频谱分析仪校准规范和检定规程规定的必测项目,但现有的增益压缩校准检定方法存在不足。为了更好地测量评估频谱分析仪的增益压缩性能,在全面深入分析增益压缩定义、常用测量方法和现有校准检定方法中存在不足的基础上,提出一种改进的双音压缩测量方法。经测量验证,该方法能测量得到频谱分析仪的1 dB增益压缩点,可以作为现有校准检定方法的补充。Abstract: Gain compression is an item that should be measured specified in the calibration specification and verification regulation for spectrum analyzers. However, the calibration method and the verification method for measuring gain compression are not perfect. The definition of gain compression, common methods of measuring gain compression, and the shortcomings in the calibration method and the verification method are analyzed in this paper. An improved two-tone compression method for measuring gain compression is proposed. It was verified that the new method can measure the 1 dB gain compression point of spectrum analyzers correctly. The method can be used as a supplement to the exiting calibration method and verification method.
表 1 测量结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of measurement results
仪器型号 测量频率/MHz 1 dB压缩点指标/dBm 双音压缩法 双音压缩点法 增量标记电平/dB 结论 1 dB压缩点电平/dBm 结论 E4440A 30 0 −0.30 合格 3.96 合格 100 0 −0.24 合格 4.71 合格 2000 3 −0.09 合格 7.25 合格 5000 3 −0.05 合格 8.68 合格 4051B 30 −3 −0.73 合格 −2.01 合格 100 1 1.21 不合格 2.39 合格 2000 3 −0.24 合格 6.00 合格 5000 −1 −0.22 合格 1.85 合格 -
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