Design of an Automatic Calibration System for Cylindrical Measuring Pins based on LabVIEW
摘要: 研制一套基于LabVIEW的三针自动校准系统。由激光测径仪对三针进行非接触测量,引入脚踏开关,控制激光测径仪的测量过程。引入“簇”元素,将一组三针的测量数据自动封装,便于后续按三针规格自动排序。通过ActiveX技术,自动生成电子原始记录,通过LIMS系统,一键生成报告证书。实际运行表明:该系统可提高检测效率、免除人为误差及降低工作强度。Abstract: An automatic calibration system for cylindrical measuring pins based on LabVIEW was developed. A laser micrometer was used to measure the three pins in a non-contact way. A footswitch was used to control the measurement process of the laser micrometer. The measurement data from one group of three pins was packed up in a "cluster", which was convenient for subsequent automatic sorting according to the specifications of the pins. The electronic original record was automatically generated based on the ActiveX technique and the report was generated after just one click by a LIMS system. The actual operation showed that the system can improve detection efficiency, avoid human errors, and reduce workloads. The system can be widely used in various calibration and testing laboratories.
Key words:
- calibration /
- cylindrical measuring pin /
- LabVIEW /
- laser micrometer /
- footswitch /
- cluster /
- ActiveX /
- electronic original record
表 1 布尔数组对应各分支条件程序内容
Table 1. Program of each branch corresponding to the Boolean array
布尔数组 对应条件分支 分支条件执行内容 输入标称值 测量过程序号 布尔数组重新赋值 存入数组索引 数组清零 插入簇数组 0001 1 是 1 0010 0,1 / / 0011 3 / 2 0100 2 / / 0101 5 / 3 0110 3 / / 0111 7 / 4 1000 4 / / 1001 9 / 5 1010 5 / / 1011 11 / 6 0000 6 是 是 表 2 循环次数对应各分支条件程序内容
Table 2. Program of each branch corresponding to the cycle number
次数分支条件执行内容 Range索引结果 输出列 输出行 列 行 i 0 A 2 A 2+6i 1 B 2 B 2+6i 2 D 2 D 2+6i 3 D 3 D 3+6i 4 D 4 D 4+6i 5 D 5 D 5+6i 6 D 6 D 6+6i 7 D 7 D 7+6i -
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