A Method to Improve the Accuracy of Data Center PUE Based on Energy Measurement
摘要: 通过调研北京地区12个数据中心的能源计量管理情况,围绕影响计算数据中心电能使用效率(PUE)准确性的主要因素,分析计算PUE时普遍存在的问题,提出利用能源计量管理手段,定期比对计量器具确定其准确性的方法,通过电量分项、分类、分区计量管理,提高数据中心PUE准确性。
- 能源计量 /
- 数据中心电能使用效率 /
- 准确性 /
- 测量点
Abstract: By investigating the energy measurement management of 12 data centers in Beijing, this paper focused on the main factors affecting the accuracy of calculating the power usage efficiency (PUE) of data centers, analyzed the common problems in calculating PUE, and proposed to use the management method of energy measurement to regularly compare measurement instruments to determine their accuracy, and improve the accuracy of data center PUE by the management of measurement on different usage, classification and district measurement-
Key words:
- energy measurement /
- PUE /
- accuracy /
- measurement point
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