Research on Calibration of Detection Systems for Honking of Moving Vehicles
摘要: 基于传声器阵列的鸣笛监测系统为惩治乱鸣笛行为提供执法证据,其监测行进车辆的计量溯源问题,是其中比较重要和亟需解决的,但目前还没有形成完全统一的共识。从鸣笛监测系统的原理及使用效能出发,分析了声光图像时间一致性和声压级准确度对监测准确度的影响。提出了声光图像时间一致性及声压级准确度的测量方法,选取两款典型的鸣笛监测系统进行测试,结果表明其声光图像时间一致性均小于50 ms,其对鸣笛监测系统监测行进车辆鸣笛的准确度影响可忽略;声压级准确度均在3 dB内且在距声源4.0 m处的测试准确度优于3.5 m和3.0 m。Abstract: Detection Systems for Vehicle Honking (DSVHs) based on a microphone array can provide evidence for regulating improper honking behavior. The traceability of DSVH monitoring moving vehicles is an important problem and still needs to be solved. There is a lack of consensus about the solution of this problem. Based on the principle and efficacy of DSVH, the influence of Acousto-Optic Image Time Consistency (AOITC) and the Accuracy of Sound Pressure Levels (ASPL) on the accuracy of DSVH was analyzed . The calibration method for AOITE and ASPL is provided in this paper. Two DSVHs from different manufacturers on the market were tested. The results showed that the AOITC was less than 50 ms and its impact on the accuracy of DSVH could be ignored, the ASPL was within 3 dB, and the result at 4.0 m was better than those at 3.5 m and 3.0 m.
表 1 A厂家鸣笛监测系统声光图像时间一致性测试结果
Table 1. Testing results of AOITE of the DSVH from manufacture A
距离/m 声光图像时间一致性/ms 第1次 第2次 第3次 平均值 15 33 23 25 27 20 23 36 16 25 25 25 31 20 25 30 32 26 20 26 35 32 49 48 43 表 2 B厂家鸣笛监测系统声光图像时间一致性测试结果
Table 2. Testing results of AOITE of the DSVH from manufacture B
距离/m 声光图像时间一致性/ms 第1次 第2次 第3次 平均值 15 27 22 20 23 20 19 20 32 24 25 33 36 37 35 30 20 15 17 17 35 25 35 36 32 -
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