Discussions on Capacity Verification of Vertical Metal Tanks
摘要: 立式金属罐是强检计量器具,其容量计量的准确性直接关系到贸易双方的经济利益和计量信誉。就影响立式金属罐计量检定准确度的几个因素进行探讨,包括:全站仪测量时入射角度的影响(不能超过60°)、全站仪测量径向偏差的不确定度评定时输入量的相关性;基圆必须围尺测量、圆心及半径拟合计算中异常点的处理。Abstract: Vertical metal tanks (hereinafter referred to as vertical tanks) are a measurement instrument that requires compulsory verification. The measurement accuracy directly relates to trading parties’ economic interests. This paper discusses factors affecting accuracy of volume measurements of vertical metal tanks, including the incident angle’s effect (no more than 60°) in total station surveying, the correlation between inputs in uncertainty evaluation for radial deviation measurements, the strapping method for measuring the base circle, and dealing with the outliers when fitting the measurement center and radius.
Key words:
- vertical metal tank /
- capacity verification /
- radial deviation /
- correlation coefficient /
- fitting radius /
- outliers
表 1 同一立罐基圆全站仪与围尺半径的比较 /mm
Table 1. Comparison between the radius measurements of the same vertical tank base circle using a total station and the strapping method
仪器厂家 编号 全站仪测量半径 围尺测量半径 差值 厂家1 1# 7498.8 7500.3 −1.5 2# 7499.0 −1.3 厂家2 3# 7500.3 0.0 表 2 标准钢卷尺拉力修正值
Table 2. Tension correction value of the reference steel tape
标称容量/m3 500 1000 2000 3000 5000 10000 30000 50000 100000 半径/mm 4990 5790 7890 9500 10500 15650 23000 30000 40000 周长/mm 31353 36379 49574 59690 65973 98331 144513 188495 251327 98 N修正值/mm −3.7 −4.3 −5.9 −7.1 −7.8 −11.7 −17.2 −22.4 −29.9 49 N修正值/mm −1.9 −2.2 −2.9 −3.5 −3.9 −5.8 −8.6 −11.2 −14.9 表 3 拟合半径值及圆心坐标值 /mm
Table 3. Values of the fitting radius and the center cordinates
圆心纵坐标1 25294.54 0 0 2 23963.34 4623.66 1329.50 3 23354.79 7891.84 2506.74 4 23125.07 9833.45 3250.03 5 23041.15 10891.53 3657.05 6 23008.75 11448.24 3866.14 7 22995.20 11737.12 3970.35 8 22989.12 11886.18 4021.52 9 22986.26 11962.90 4046.43 10 22984.87 12002.34 4058.51 11 22984.18 12002.62 4064.34 12 22983.84 12033.03 4067.16 13 22983.67 12038.39 4068.52 14 22983.58 12041.13 4069.17 15 22983.54 12042.55 4069.48 16 22983.51 12043.27 4069.63 17 22983.50 12043.65 4069.70 表 4 各个测量点的残差及实验标准差 /mm
Table 4. Residual and sample standard deviation of each measurement
测点序号 各测量点位置半径值 残差绝对值 1 22980.37 3.13 2 22976.70 6.80 3 22985.66 2.16 4 22991.98 8.48 5 23000.11 16.61 6 22983.02 0.48 7 22977.16 6.34 8 22964.10 19.40 9 22981.26 2.24 10 22998.49 14.99 11 22985.78 2.28 12 22978.19 5.31 13 22990.65 7.15 14 22986.89 3.39 15 22972.95 10.55 16 22982.57 0.93 实验标准差s=9.18 3倍实验标准差3s=27.54 -
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