An Auxiliary Device for Large Weighing Mass Comparators
摘要: 大称量质量比较仪在日常使用过程中常常会出现数据波动大、准确度降低以及传感器易损坏等情况。经研究发现,质量比较仪在使用过程中,其对应砝码吊装方式的应用会对质量比较仪的使用产生很大影响,在传统吊装方式中,砝码对质量比较仪台面会产生很大的冲击力,这是导致质量比较仪使用效果不佳的主要原因。为解决上述问题,设计了一款质量比较仪辅助装置,并对其使用效果进行分析,研究发现该装置的应用能大大提高称量的重复性,降低偏载产生的测量误差,数据漂移更小,精确度更高。Abstract: In the daily use of large weighing mass comparator, there are often large data fluctuation, reduced accuracy and easy damage of sensor. It is found that during the use of the mass comparator, the application of the corresponding weight lifting method will have a great impact on the use of the mass comparator. In the traditional lifting method, the weight will have a great impact on the table of the mass comparator, which is the main reason for the poor use effect of the mass comparator. In order to solve the above problems, an auxiliary device of mass comparator is designed, and its application effect is analyzed. It is found that the application of the device can greatly improve the repeatability of weighing, reduce the measurement error caused by eccentric load, reduce the data drift and improve the accuracy.
Key words:
- large weighing /
- mass comparator /
- impact /
- lifting way /
- calibration
表 1 被测仪器、主要计量标准和配套装置
Table 1. Tested instruments, main measurement standards and supporting devices
对象 设备名称 测量范围 被测仪器 质量比较仪 0~1000 kg 主要计量标准1 F2等级砝码 500~1000 kg 主要计量标准2 E2等级砝码 1~20 kg 配套装置1 质量比较仪辅助装置 最大支撑重量:6 t 配套装置2 普通门式起重机(航吊) 最大吊装重量:30 t 表 2 重复性数据
Table 2. Repeatability data
试验载荷:1000 kg 吊装方式1:质量比较仪辅助装置 吊装方式2:普通门式起重机(航吊) 测量次数 读数(kg) B-A(kg) 差值(kg) 测量次数 读数(kg) B-A(kg) 差值(kg) 1 A1 1000.047 0.002 0.001 1 A1 1000.044 0.134 0.023 A2 1000.049 A2 1000.178 A3 1000.050 0.000 A3 1000.151 −0.088 A4 1000.050 A4 1000.239 2 A1 1000.051 −0.001 0.00005 2 A1 1000.238 0.042 −0.0175 A2 1000.050 A2 1000.196 A3 1000.052 0.002 A3 1000.215 0.007 A4 1000.050 A4 1000.208 3 A1 1000.051 0.000 −0.0005 3 A1 1000.198 0.081 0.032 A2 1000.051 A2 1000.279 A3 1000.051 −0.001 A3 1000.323 −0.017 A4 1000.052 A4 1000.340 4 A1 1000.053 −0.002 −0.0005 4 A1 1000.340 −0.035 −0.041 A2 1000.051 A2 1000.305 A3 1000.053 0.001 A3 1000.315 −0.047 A4 1000.052 A4 1000.362 5 A1 1000.052 −0.001 0.000 5 A1 1000.362 −0.022 0.0035 A2 1000.051 A2 1000.340 A3 1000.053 0.001 A3 1000.398 0.029 A4 1000.052 A4 1000.369 6 A1 1000.052 0.000 0.001 6 A1 1000.369 0.019 −0.0065 A2 1000.052 A2 1000.388 A3 1000.053 0.002 A3 1000.379 −0.032 A4 1000.051 A4 1000.411 ${\overline x _1}$ = 0.25 g,${s_1}$ = 0.69 g ≈ 1 g ${\overline x _2}$ = −1.08 g,${s_2}$ = 26.79 g ≈ 27 g 表 3 局部示值误差数据
Table 3. Local indication error data
试验载荷:1000(kg);小砝码ms:2 kg 吊装方式1:质量比较仪辅助装置 吊装方式2:普通门式起重机(航吊) 测量序号 读数(kg) 相差格数 差值(kg) 测量序号 读数(kg) 相差格数 差值(kg) 1 A 1000.051 2.003 2.0025 1 A 1000.208 2.002 2.0005 A+ms 1002.054 A+ms 1002.210 A+ms 1002.054 2.002 A+ms 1002.210 1.999 A 1000.052 A 1000.211 2 A 1000.051 2.003 2.002 2 A 1000.211 2.003 2.0025 A+ms 1002.054 A+ms 1002.214 A+ms 1002.053 2.001 A+ms 1002.212 2.002 A 1000.052 A 1000.210 3 A 1000.052 2.001 2.002 3 A 1000.210 2.003 2.002 A+ms 1002.053 A+ms 1002.213 A+ms 1002.053 2.003 A+ms 1002.213 1.999 A 1000.050 A 1000.214 $\Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s}}1}}}} = 2.0022\;{\rm{kg}}$
${m_{\rm{s}}} - \Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s}}1}}}} = - 0.0022 \approx - 0.002\;{\rm{kg}}$$\Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s2}}}}}} = 2.0017\;{\rm{kg}}$
${m_{\rm{s}}} - \Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s2}}}}}} = - 0.0017 \approx - 0.002\;{\rm{kg}}$表 4 校准结果及不确定度
Table 4. Calibration results and uncertainty
项目 试验变量 校准结果 扩展不确定度(k=2) 重复性 质量比较仪辅助装置 ${s_1}$=1 g ${U_R}_1$=1 g 普通门式起重机(航吊) ${s_{\rm{2}}}$=27 g ${U_R}_2$=1 g 局部示值误差 质量比较仪辅助装置 ${m_{\rm{s}}} - \Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s}}1}}}} = - 2\;{\rm{g}}$ ${U_{{\rm{s}}1}} = 2\;{\rm{g}}$ 普通门式起重机(航吊) ${m_{\rm{s}}} - \Delta {\overline I _{{m_{{\rm{s2}}}}}} = - 2\;{\rm{g}}$ ${U_{{\rm{s}}2}} = 54\;{\rm{g}}$ -
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