An Electrical-Substitution Based Measurement Device for Nonlinearity of Laser Power Meters
摘要: 响应非线性是热电型激光功率探测器的主要特性,表现为不同功率下探测器响应度的变化,对测量准确度具有重要影响。本文基于电校准方法,针对瓦级至百瓦级激光功率探测器的响应非线性测量技术展开研究。设计并建立了电校准装置,实现了不同功率下电校准响应度的自动测量。与常用的稳压或稳流模式不同,该装置具有稳功率输出模式,对于温度系数较大的电校准加热器可显著提高加载功率的稳定性。在研究中基于两种陶瓷加热器制备了2台电校准激光功率探测器,开展了电校准响应非线性测试。结果显示,对于具有较大温度系数的MCH陶瓷加热器,稳功率模式下加载功率不稳定度达到0.025%,远低于稳压模式下的2.0%。得益于较高的功率稳定性和测量过程的自动化,0.49~189 W功率范围电校准响应度的测量不确定度优于0.10%,提高了电校准响应非线性测量的准确度。Abstract: Nonlinearity is the main characteristic of thermoelectric laser power detectors, which represents the change in the detector response under different power, and has an important impact on the measurement accuracy. Based on the electrical substitution method, this paper studies the measurement method for response nonlinearity of laser power detectors at several watts to several hundred watts. An electrical calibration device was developed that can automatically measure electrical calibration responsivity under different power levels. Different from the common constant-voltage mode or constant-current mode, the device has a constant-power output mode, which can significantly improve the stability of loading power for electric calibration heaters with a large temperature coefficient. In the study, two electrical calibration laser power detectors were fabricated based on two kinds of ceramic heaters, and the response nonlinearity of the electrical calibration was measured. The results showed that for the MCH ceramic heater with a large temperature coefficient, the loading power instability under the constant-power mode was 0.025%, which is much lower than 2.0%, i.e. the instability under the constant-voltage mode. Due to the higher power stability and the automated measurement process, the evaluated uncertainty of the measured electric calibration responsivity was better than 0.10% in the power range 0.49 W to 189 W, which was an improvement on the accuracy of the nonlinearity measurement of electrical calibration.
表 1 1#激光功率探测器不同功率下电校准响应度测试结果
Table 1. Measurement results of electrical calibration responsivity of #1 laser power detector under different power
功率(W) 响应度(mV/W) 相对不确定度(k=2) 归一化响应度 0.49 0.32920 0.08% 1.0000 4.5 0.32914 0.02% 0.9999 18 0.32909 0.04% 0.9997 38 0.32896 0.02% 0.9993 50 0.32894 0.08% 0.9992 62 0.32886 0.10% 0.9990 75 0.32890 0.06% 0.9991 91 0.32880 0.02% 0.9988 106 0.32884 0.02% 0.9989 -
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