Simulation-based Study on Factors Affecting Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of High Temperature Pipelines
摘要: 针对石化行业中在高温工作状态下的管道测厚问题,本文研究了超声波高温管道测厚方法中的一些影响因素,并实现了一套高温管道超声波测厚的仿真系统。实验中讨论了不同厚度、不同材料、不同噪声水平以及不同温度对超声波管道测厚结果的影响。此外,比较了不同测厚方法对管道厚度测量的影响。实验结果表明,该系统能够较好的模拟高温超声波测厚系统,能够实现高温管道厚度的测量。Abstract: Aiming at the problem of pipe thickness measurement under high temperature in the petrochemical industry, this paper investigates factors affecting high temperature pipe thickness measurements based on ultrasonic spectrum, and develops an ultrasonic thickness measurement simulation system. In the simulation experiment, the influence of different thickness, different materials, different noise levels and different temperatures on the measurement results are discussed. In addition, the influence of different thickness measurement methods on the measurement of pipe thickness is compared. The experiment results show that the system can simulate the high temperature ultrasonic thickness measuring system and measure the high temperature pipe thickness.
表 1 单探头测量时不同厚度钢管的测量结果
Table 1. The measurement results of steel plate with different thickness when measured by a single probe
钢管厚度(cm) 测量结果(cm) 相对误差(%) 0.25 0.2519 0.76 0.48 0.4813 0.27 0.83 0.8317 0.20 1.15 1.1507 0.06 表 2 双探头测量时不同厚度钢管的测量结果
Table 2. The measurement results of steel plate with different thickness when measured by a dual probe
钢板厚度(cm) 测量结果(cm) 相对误差(%) 0.25 0.2519 0.76 0.48 0.4813 0.27 0.83 0.8317 0.20 1.15 1.1538 0.46 表 3 单探头测量时不同材料的测量结果
Table 3. Measurement results of different materials with a single probe
不同声速材料(m/s) 测量厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 1506 0.8321 0.25 3230 0.8317 0.20 4377 0.8316 0.19 6305 0.8354 0.65 表 4 双探头测量时不同材料的测量结果
Table 4. Measurement results of different materials with a dual probe
不同声速材料(m/s) 测量厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 1506 0.8314 0.17 3230 0.8322 0.26 4377 0.8301 0.01 6305 0.8354 0.65 表 5 单探头测量时不同噪声水平的测量结果
Table 5. Measurement results of different noise levels with a single probe
噪声水平 测量结果(cm) 相对误差(%) 0.1 0.7816 0.21 0.2 0.7816 0.21 0.3 0.7832 0.41 0.4 0.7806 0.08 0.5 0.7832 0.41 表 6 双探头测量时不同噪声水平的测量结果
Table 6. Measurement results of different noise levels with a dual probe
噪声水平 测量结果(cm) 相对误差(%) 0.1 0.7804 0.05 0.2 0.7804 0.05 0.3 0.7832 0.41 0.4 0.7804 0.05 0.5 0.7832 0.41 表 7 单探头测量时不同温度下的厚度测量结果
Table 7. Measurement results of thickness at different temperatures with a single probe
温度(℃) 测量厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 校正厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 100 0.8479 2.16 0.8326 0.31 300 0.8721 5.07 0.8250 0.60 450 0.8882 7.01 0.8163 1.65 600 0.9125 9.93 0.8140 1.92 表 8 双探头测量时不同温度下的厚度测量结果
Table 8. Measurement results of thickness at different temperatures with a dual probe
温度(℃) 测量厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 校正厚度(cm) 相对误差(%) 100 0.8427 1.53 0.8275 0.30 300 0.8672 4.77 0.8203 1.16 450 0.8881 7.00 0.8162 1.66 600 0.9126 9.85 0.8140 1.92 -
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