Traceability Analysis of Primary Standard for Leeb Hardness Based on Ordinal Quantities
摘要: 金属里氏硬度实验方法,其量值属于序量,没有导出单位,目前我国还没有建立对应的国家基准和量值传递体系。本文基于里氏硬度实验原理,采用直接检验法,分析序量测量仪器量值溯源的过程与特点。通过对里氏硬度计的各参量进行实验,探讨建立里氏硬度计量基准的可行性,为进一步探讨建立里氏硬度国家基准和量值传递系统提供参考。Abstract: The quantity value of Leeb hardness test method for metallic materials is ordinal with no derived unit. At present, China has not developed the corresponding primary standards or traceability systems. In the paper, based on the principle of the Leeb hardness test, the process and characteristics of the traceability of the quantity value of the ordinal quantity measuring instrument are analyzed by using the direct test method. Furthermore, by conducting experiments on each parameter of the Leeb hardness tester, the feasibility of developing a primary standard for the measurement of Leeb hardness has been discussed, and reference is provided for further exploring the development of the Leeb hardness national benchmark and the quantitative value transfer system.
表 1 里氏冲击装置直接检验用技术参数
Table 1. Technical parameters for direct verification of Leeb hardness device
物理量 参数 冲击装置类型 D S E DL D+15 C G $ {\upsilon _{\rm A}} $ 冲击速度(m/s) 2.05±0.1 2.05±0.1 2.05±0.1 1.82±0.1 1.7±0.1 1.4±0.1 3.0±0.1 m 冲击体(含球头)质量(g) 5.45±0.1 5.4±0.1 5.45±0.1 7.25±0.1 7.75±0.1 3.1±0.1 20.0±0.3 R 球头半径(mm) 1.5±0.005 1.5±0.005 1.5±0.005 1.39±0.005 1.5±0.005 1.5±0.005 2.5±0.005 HV 维氏硬度(HV2) 1600±100 1600±100 ≥4500 1600±100 1600±100 1600±100 1600±100 dx 球头最小凸出量(mm) 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.6 表 2 冲击体质量与硬度示值偏差关系实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of the deviation relationship between the mass of the impactor and the hardness indication
冲击体质量/g 低值硬度块测量
结果偏差值/HLD5.432 −1 −2 0 5.428 2 −3 −6 5.530 −8 −5 −6 5.548 −12 −7 −6 表 3 下落高度与硬度示值偏差关系的实验结果
Table 3. Experimental results of the deviation relationship between the falling height and the hardness indication
下落高度/mm 低值硬度块测量
结果偏差值/HLD26.7 −1 −2 0 27.3 0 0 −2 28.0 −7 −8 −8 表 4 冲击体顶端球面半径与示值偏差关系实验结果
Table 4. Experimental results of the deviation relationship the radius of the spherical surface at the top of the impact body and the hardness indication
果偏差值/HLD1.497 −1 −2 0 1.483 −2 −5 −4 1.475 −3 −7 −6 -
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