Development of a Metrological Standard Device for Measuring 131I Activity in Human Thyroid
摘要: 为解决防护至诊疗量级人体甲状腺中131I活度的直接测量问题,以及人体甲状腺中131I活度测量相关仪器的量值溯源问题,研制了便携式现场计量标准器。结合IAEA/ANSI 颈部模体开展了标准器的探测效率校准和活度定值方法研究,通过实验测量和模拟计算确定了不同探测距离下的效率曲线,建立了人体甲状腺中131I活度的量值溯源方法。标准器在贴近颈部直接测量时长为600s时,最小可探测活度达到4.67 Bq;对用于开展人体甲状腺中131I活度测量的便携式γ能谱仪进行了校准,典型的相对扩展不确定度为5.5%(k=2)。该标准器的研制为职业健康监测、核应急以及甲状腺诊疗中131I的准确测量和量值保障建立了关键设备基础。Abstract: To solve the problem of direct 131I activity measurement in human thyroid for radiological protection and diagnosis and treatment in nuclear medicine, and the problem of traceability of related instruments for 131I activity measurement in human thyroid, a portable on-site radioactivity measurement metrological standard device was developed. In combination with the IAEA/ANSI neck phantom, the detection efficiency calibration and activity determination methods of the standardization were studied. Through experimental measurement and simulation calculation, the efficiency curve at different detection distances was determined, and the traceability method of 131I activity in the human thyroid was established. The minimum detectable activity reached 4.67 Bq when the standard was directly measured close to the neck for 600s; the portable gamma spectrometer used to measure the activity of 131I in the human thyroid was calibrated with the relative expanded uncertainty of 5.5% (k=2). The development of this standard has established a key equipment foundation for the accurate measurement and traceability of 131I activity in occupational health monitoring, nuclear emergency, and diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.
Key words:
- metrological standard device /
- thyroid /
- 131I activity /
- traceability /
- uncertainty evaluation
表 1 标准器探测效率校准结果数据表
Table 1. Data sheet of calibration results for detection efficiency of standard device
编号 参考活
效率I05 4.975E+2 3.5% 364.49 0 2.60E-2 I05 4.975E+2 3.5% 364.49 50 6.81E-3 I04 7.908E+3 3.0% 364.49 100 3.06E-3 I04 7.908E+3 3.0% 364.49 200 1.11E-3 I03 4.835E+4 3.0% 364.49 500 2.34E-4 I01 2.960E+6 3.0% 364.49 1000 5.27E-5 表 2 典型测量距离下标准器活度测量上限计算结果数据表
Table 2. Data sheet of upper limit of activity measurement results at typical
探测距离/mm 全谱计数率/s−1 死时间 活度测量上限/Bq 1000 2.0E+4 <10% 8.89E+7 1200 1.27E+8 1500 1.87E+8 2000 3.65E+8 2500 7.36E+8 表 3 近距离测量模式标准器MDA计算结果数据表
Table 3. Data sheet of MDA calculation results under the condition of close-range measurement mode
测量时间/s 本底ROI计数 本底ROI净计数 探测效率 MDA/Bq 100 530 46 2.64E-2 15.16 200 1026 116 2.64E-2 12.16 300 1588 115 2.64E-2 7.91 400 2117 127 2.64E-2 6.25 500 2618 128 2.64E-2 5.12 600 3166 162 2.64E-2 4.67 表 4 便携式γ能谱仪校准因子计算结果数据表
Table 4. Data sheet of calculation results of calibration factors of portable gamma spectrometers
子/s−1·Bq−1600 80048.57 133.41 7908.14 2.37E-2 表 5 便携式γ能谱仪校准因子不确定度
Table 5. Uncertainty of calibration factors of portable gamma spectrometers
不确定度来源 不确定
测量计数统计涨落A 0.35 标准器测量计数
统计涨落A 0.38 光子发射强度修正 B 0.98 半衰期修正 B 0.01 标准器对131I的
探测效率B 2.30 相对合成标准不确定度 2.74 相对扩展不确定度(k=2) 5.5 -
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