Development of Clamping System for Automatic Calibration of Angle Encoder
摘要: 利用中国计量科学研究院研制的全圆连续角度标准装置作为标准角度发生装置,研制一套二维导轨装夹系统固定编码器定子,并基于LabVIEW开发数据采集软件,实现了空心轴角度编码器的自动化校准。装夹系统解决了因启动力矩大而造成手动定位困难的问题,并可在全圆360°范围内完成自动校准,提高检测效率的同时减少不确定度来源,配置装夹系统后编码器重复性优于0.8″。Abstract: Using the full-circle continuous angle standard device developed by the National Institute of Metrology as the standard angle generator, a two-dimensional slideway clamping system was developed to fix the encoder stator, and the data acquisition software was developed based on LabVIEW to realize the automatic calibration of hollow shaft angle encoder. The clamping system solved the problem of manual positioning difficulty caused by high starting torque and provides continuous automatic calibration in the 360° full-circle range, which improves the testing efficiency and reduces the sources of uncertainty. The encoder repeatability is better than 0.8″ after the clamping system is configured.
Key words:
- metrology /
- clamping system /
- angle encoder /
- LabVIEW /
- automation
表 1 标准器信息
Table 1. Information of the standard device
标准器名称 技术指标 证书号 自准直仪
CDjd2021-11877 -
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