Research on Intermediate Check Method for Gas Flow Standard Devices Using Critical Flow Venturi Nozzles
摘要: 期间核查是实验室量值溯源计划体系的重要部分。常用的临界流文丘里喷嘴法气体流量标准装置的期间核查方法是En值判定法,但该方法对核查标准的长期稳定性依赖性很大,容易产生误判。设计了一种装置内喷嘴(组)比对核查与实验室内多套装置比对核查相结合的方法,并以一套临界流文丘里喷嘴法气体流量标准装置为例,进行了核查方法设计和试验数据分析。该方法不但能对装置中各主要计量器具进行全面核查,还能随时对实验室内多套同类装置进行核查,减少核查标准由于安装以及使用环境变化造成的测量偏差,使得临界流文丘里喷嘴法气体流量标准装置的期间核查工作更加便捷、可靠。Abstract: Intermediate check plays a critical role in the value traceability system of a measuring laboratory. The Judgement Method of En value is a common method used for intermediate checks of gas flow standard devices. However, this method heavily relies on the long-term stability of the check standard, which can lead to erroneous judgments. To address this issue, we designed a new method that combines two comparative tests. The first test compares the critical flow venturi nozzles within the device, and the second test compares several devices within the laboratory based on the same measurement principle. This article provides a description of the procedures involved in the intermediate check method, and we analyze the test data using an example. Our method can fully monitor the reliability of the device's main standards, as well as check the reliability of several intralaboratory devices at any time. Furthermore, our approach reduces the measurement error caused by changes in installation and operating environments. In summary, this intermediate check method is more convenient and efficient, making the verification process for critical flow venturi nozzles in gas flow standard devices more reliable.
表 1 装置具体信息
Table 1. Information of the gas flow standard devices
名称 测量范围 Urel(k=2) 喷嘴数量 装置1 1~20000 m3/h
DN 50~600 mm0.30% 29 装置2 0.2~5000 m3/h
DN 15~200 mm0.30% 18 装置3 0.25~1600 m3/h
DN 15~150 mm0.27% 14 表 2 装置1临界流文丘里喷嘴配置情况
Table 2. The configuration of critical flow venturi nozzles in device 1
喷嘴编号 名义流量(m3/h) 喷嘴编号 名义流量(m3/h) 1 1 16 1024 2 2 17 1024 3 4 18 1024 4 8 19 1024 5 16 20 1024 6 32 21 1024 7 64 22 1024 8 128 23 1024 9 256 24 1024 10 512 25 1024 11 1024 26 1024 12 1024 27 1250 13 1024 28 1250 14 1024 29 1250 15 1024 / / 表 3 比对流量点及喷嘴组合方式
Table 3. Comparison of flowrate and nozzle combinations
喷嘴(组) 名义流量
(m3/h)喷嘴(组) 名义流量
(m3/h)1~7 127 8 128 1~8 255 9 256 1~9 511 10 512 1~10 1023 11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26 1024 2-6-7-8-11* 1250 27/28/29 1250 *注:11号喷嘴可以替换为编号为12~26中的任意一只喷嘴。 表 4 装置1核查数据
Table 4. Intermediate check data of device 1
喷嘴(组) 实际流量 (m3/h) xi (1/m3) Urel,i(k=2) $\dfrac{ {\left| { {x_i} - {x_{\text{r} } } } \right|} }{ { {x_{\text{r} } } } } \times 100{\text{%}}$ 喷嘴(组) 实际流量 (m3/h) xi (1/m3) Urel,i(k=2) $\dfrac{ {\left| { {x_i} - {x_{\text{r} } } } \right|} }{ { {x_{\text{r} } } }} \times 100{\text{%}}$ 1~7 124.77 5251.457 0.31% 0.024% / / / / / 8 125.76 5252.721 0.31% 0.024% 18 1002.21 5260.596 0.31% 0.009% 1~8 250.51 5247.257 0.31% 0.140% 19 1001.30 5262.102 0.31% 0.038% 9 251.94 5254.612 0.31% 0.140% 20 1002.04 5260.299 0.31% 0.003% 1~9 502.18 5248.317 0.31% 0.128% 21 1001.53 5255.863 0.31% 0.081% 10 502.98 5255.056 0.31% 0.128% 22 1000.50 5263.091 0.31% 0.056% 1~10 1002.87 5256.089 0.31% 0.077% 23 1001.59 5260.806 0.31% 0.013% 11 1002.09 5256.403 0.31% 0.071% 24 1001.73 5261.196 0.31% 0.020% 12 1002.83 5259.379 0.31% 0.014% 25 1001.63 5262.244 0.31% 0.040% 13 1000.29 5260.210 0.31% 0.002% 26 1001.94 5263.291 0.31% 0.060% 14 1002.01 5260.483 0.31% 0.007% 27 1215.89 5261.381 0.31% 0.022% 15 1001.40 5260.047 0.31% 0.001% 28 1217.40 5265.718 0.31% 0.061% 16 1001.55 5259.909 0.31% 0.004% 29 1221.07 5264.372 0.31% 0.035% 17 1002.29 5260.037 0.31% 0.002% 2-6-7-8-11 1220.86 5258.580 0.31% 0.075% 表 5 3套装置的核查数据
Table 5. Intermediate check data of 3 devices
测量设备 ${y_i}$(1/m3) 相对扩展不确定度Urel,i(k=2) $\dfrac{ { {y_i} - \bar y} }{ {\bar y} } \times 100{\text{%}}$ $\sqrt {\dfrac{2}{3} } {U_{ {\text{rel} },i} }$ 核查结论 装置1 5267.713 0.31% 0.12% 0.25% 核查通过 装置2 5265.848 0.31% 0.08% 0.25% 核查通过 装置3 5251.309 0.29% 0.20% 0.24% 核查通过 -
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