Research on Verification Device for Air Permeability Standard Used in Tobacco Industry
摘要: 烟草专用透气度流量盘是纸张透气度测量仪上的主要标准器具,其测量准确性关系到烟气中有害气体透过率是否准确,对人类生命健康至关重要。本文以国家现行规范为参考,对透气度流量盘检定装置进行探讨与研究,设计专用夹具并搭建了完整装置,经验证该装置满足要求。依据该装置可开展对本区域烟草透气度流量盘的测量,使其能够有效溯源,保证了区域内量值的准确可靠,从而为卷烟降焦减害,守护人类的生命健康作出贡献。Abstract: The air permeability standard for tobacco is the main instrument used in measuring paper air permeability. The accuracy of its measurements is critical for determining the transmittance of harmful gases in flue gas, which in turn has significant implications for human health. This paper explores and investigates a verification device for the air permeability standard in accordance with current National Standards. We designed a specialized fixture and constructed a complete apparatus that meets the necessary requirements. With this device, air permeability standards can be effectively traced and measurements in the region can be made accurately and reliably. By reducing the amount of tar and other harmful substances in cigarettes, this research contributes to the protection of human life and health.
Key words:
- air permeability standard /
- tobacco /
- verification device /
- standard apparatus /
- quantity value
表 1 标准器与主要配套仪表
Table 1. Standard and main supporting instruments
仪器名称 测量范围 技术性能 气体流量计 0~50 L/min 1.0级 压差计 0~10 kPa 0.02级 数字气压计 75~115 kPa 0.03级 数字温湿度计 湿度:0~100%RH
温度±0.1℃表 2 流量盘重复性实验测量值
Table 2. Repeatability experimental measurements of air permeability standard
k $ {x_k} $(L/min) k $ {x_k} $(L/min) 1 5.493 6 5.499 2 5.485 7 5.486 3 5.499 8 5.506 4 5.479 9 5.489 5 5.489 10 5.511 表 3 两实验室测量结果对比表
Table 3. Comparison table of measurement results from two laboratories
编号 出厂值 中国烟草标准化研究中心 湖南省计量检测研究院 检定值 扩展不确定度 检定值 扩展不确定度 JSP2987 22.77L/min 22.87 L/min $\begin{gathered} {U_{{\rm{rel}}} } = 1.2{\text{%} }, \\ k = 2 \end{gathered}$ 22.83 L/min $\begin{gathered} {U_{{\rm{rel}}} } = 1.3{\text{%} }, \\ k = 2 \end{gathered}$ JPS2988 5.411L/min 5.493 L/min 5.489 L/min -
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