Research Progress of Gas Spectroscopy Technology
摘要: 采用光谱技术进行气体计量,是将气体量值溯源到分子跃迁线强度上。本文介绍了中国计量科学研究院在气体光谱计量技术的最新研究进展,其研制的光腔衰荡光谱装置采用了腔长稳定技术、Pound-Drever-Hall锁频技术、温度控制技术和光频梳技术等,衰荡光腔3小时温度变化不超过5 mK,1小时真空泄露不超过0.013 Pa。利用研制的实验装置测量了CO2分子的吸收谱线,分析并给出了跃迁线强度不确定度来源,评估的相对标准不确定度约为0.08%。Abstract: The use of spectroscopic technology for gas measurement is to trace the gas value to the line intensity of the gaseous molecule. This paper introduces the latest research progress of gas spectroscopy measurement technology by the National Institute of Metrology, China. The cavity length stabilization, Pound-Drever-Hall frequency locking, temperature controlling technique. and optical frequency combs are used in the experimental setup of the cavity ring-down spectrometer. The temperature change does not exceed 5 mK in 3 hours, and the vacuum leakage does not exceed 0.013 Pa in 1 hour. The absorption line of CO2 molecule was measured by the developed experimental device, and the source of uncertainty of the transition line intensity was analyzed and given. The relative standard uncertainty of the evaluation was about 0.08%.
表 1 线强度不确定度评估
Table 1. Uncertainty evaluation for the line intensity
A类相对不确定度(%) $ A/p $拟合 ~0.036 谱线面积/压强拟合 ~0.032 B类相对不确定度(%) 铷钟准确度 2.89×10−9 铷钟老化率 2.89×10−8 衰荡光腔稳定性 3.04×10−8 PDH锁频 1.19×10−10 自由波谱范围测量 3.05×10−12 压强 0.04 温度 0.002 气体标准物质浓度 0.04 相对合成标准不确定度(%) ~0.08 -
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