Research Progress of Soil Moisture Measurement Technology
摘要: 土壤水分的准确测定是农业灌溉、水文、环境保护和碳计量等领域的迫切需求。土壤水分测量技术种类繁多、发展迅速,除了经典的干燥失重法外,还包括时域反射法、频域反射法、中子探针法、张力法、电石法、石膏块法、电磁感应法、γ射线法、湿度法、热流法和遥感技术等。干燥失重法是土壤水分测量的参考方法,可用于校准其他水分测量方法,以保障量值准确可靠。校准方式有出厂校准、田间校准和实验室校准。土壤水分的测定,需要根据实际情况选用合适的测量方法和校准方法,才能得到准确可靠的测量结果。本文介绍了土壤水分测量方法和校准方法的原理及特点,并对土壤水分计量技术的发展趋势进行了展望。Abstract: Accurate measurement of soil moisture is an urgent need in agricultural irrigation, hydrology, environmental protection, and carbon metrology. The measurement techniques to determine soil moisture are diverse and rapidly developing, including time domain reflectometry (TDR), frequency domain reflectometry (FDR), neutron moisture meters, tensiometry, calcium carbide technique, gypsum blocks, electromagnetic techniques, gamma ray attenuation, hygrometric technique, heat flux sensor technique and remote sensing technique, in addition to the classical loss on drying. The loss on drying method is a reference method for the measurement of soil moisture, which can be used to calibrate other measurement methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the value. The calibration methods include factory calibration, field calibration, and laboratory calibration. In order to determine the soil moisture accurately and conveniently, it is necessary to select appropriate measurement methods and calibration methods according to the actual situation in order to obtain accurate and reliable measurement results. This paper introduces the principles and characteristics of measurement methods and calibration methods for soil moisture, and forecasts the development trend of related measurement technology.
Key words:
- soil moisture /
- loss on drying /
- calibration /
- TDR /
- FDR /
- remote sensing technique
表 1 土壤含水量方法对比
Table 1. Comparison of soil moisture measurement methods
方法 优点 缺点 干燥失重法 准确、成本低、操作
简单工作量大、时效性差、对样品有损伤、受有机质影响 TDR 时间分辨率高、测量范围广、速度快无需标定、不受土壤质地、温度和盐分影响 设备电路复杂、价格昂贵;在盐碱土中导电性随土壤湿度增加、有反射损失、精度低 FDR 准确度高、重复性
束缚水含量需单独校准、不适用盐渍土、需按时维护、受土壤空隙中空气影响 中子探针法 测量快速 测量半径小、有辐射、价格昂贵、受高盐和高有机质影响 张力法 数据连续、无需电源、操作方便 必须建立标准曲线、测量范围小、响应时间长 电石法 速度快、可靠性高 塑性粘土和坚硬泥土精度差、在土壤中易发生化学反应 石膏块法 价格低廉,维护少、可重复测量 不能自动测量、响应时间长、单独校准、不适用于粗质和高盐土 电磁感应法 操作简单、测量范围和深度大 土壤中物质存在相互作用无法测定 γ射线法 不破坏土壤、响应时间短 价格高、操作复杂、有辐射 湿度法 设备简单、价格低 需校准、传感元件会
老化热流法 不受矿物和有机物的体积影响 只适用于已知体积的非膨胀土、测量深度小 -
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