Improved Visible Near-Infrared Colorimetric Thermometry System and Performance Evaluation
摘要: 可见光-近红外比色测温系统已经被广泛应用在科研和工业高温监测领域。由于系统的灰度值范围有限,现有研究通常将不同系统参数(曝光时间、光圈)下的测温带宽拼接,以扩展测温范围。然而系统两个通道的灰度值和温度的拟合曲线为指数函数,且两条曲线的增长速度相差较大,将导致系统存在测温带宽变窄、系统灵敏度的线性度差等问题。此外,现有研究对比色测温系统性能的评估和分析方法还不够完善。针对以上问题,本文改进了可见光-近红外比色测温系统,提出用衰减灰度值的方法来扩展系统的测温带宽;使用黑体炉进行标定实验后,对改进后系统和原始系统的通道灵敏度、测温带宽和系统灵敏度进行了比较分析,发现该方法将系统的测温带宽扩展了两倍以上,同时有效地提高了系统灵敏度的线性度;最后将该系统与其他系统的整体性能进行了比较,验证了系统的实用性。Abstract: Visible near-infrared colorimetric thermometry system instruments have been widely used in scientific research and industrial high-temperature monitoring. Since the gray value range of the instrument is limited, the existing research usually splices the temperature measurement bandwidth under different system parameters (exposure time, aperture) to extend the temperature measurement range. However, the fitted curves of grayscale values and temperature of the two channels of the system are exponential functions, and the growth rate of the two curves differs significantly, which will lead to the problems of narrowing the temperature measurement bandwidth and poor linearity of the system sensitivity. In addition, the existing evaluation and analysis methods for the performance of colorimetric thermometry system are not perfect. Given the above problems, a set of visible light near-infrared colorimetric thermometry system is developed, and a method of gray value attenuation is proposed to expand the temperature measurement bandwidth of the system. After the calibration experiment with the blackbody furnace is carried out, the channel sensitivity, temperature measurement bandwidth and system sensitivity of the improved and the original systems are compared and analyzed. It is found that this method extends the temperature measurement bandwidth of the instrument by more than two times, and effectively improves the linearity of the system sensitivity. Finally, the system's overall performance is compared with other instruments to verify the practicability of the instrument.
表 1 比色测温系统的标准不确定度项
Table 1. Uncertainty term of colorimetric thermometry system
温度/℃ 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 A通道方差 0.30 0.48 0.57 0.53 1.89 2.42 5.35 7.55 9.75 9.32 B通道方差 0.51 0.57 0.70 0.35 0.47 0.54 1.01 1.31 1.6 1.24 A、B通道的协方差 0.004 0.009 0.183 0.096 0.295 0.572 0.701 0.823 1.187 1.321 表 2 不同测温系统比较
Table 2. Comparison of various thermometry instruments
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