Development of Online Tension Calibration Device for Mask Machine
摘要: 为了对口罩机张力传感器进行量值溯源,确保其准确性和可靠性,通过对口罩机张力系统的研究,在不拆卸传感器等口罩机零部件的情况下,设计了一种可用于对口罩机张力系统进行在线测量的校准装置(以下简称“校准装置”)。采用力值阶梯加载的方法,沿力传感器受力轴线施加标准力值,对张力传感器进行测量,完成对张力传感器计量特性的在线校准。该校准装置可用于对不同工况下口罩机张力传感器的精确测量和校准,确保所生产的口罩成品达到相关标准的指标要求。校准装置的设计中运用Solidworks软件进行结构设计,装置经过计量检测,性能达到设计要求,口罩机张力传感器的校准结果符合标准规定的范围。Abstract: To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the tension sensor of the mask machine through traceability, a calibration device was designed for online measurement of the tension system without disassembling the sensor and other parts of the mask machine. Using the method of force value step loading, a standard force value is applied along the force axis of the force sensor to measure the tension sensor and complete the online calibration of the metrological characteristics of the tension sensor. The calibration device can be used to accurately measure and calibrate the tension sensor of the mask machine under different working conditions to ensure that the manufactured masks meet the requirements of relevant standards. The calibration device is designed using Solidworks software, and the performance of the device meets the design requirements after metrology testing. The calibration results of the mask machine tension sensor meet the range specified in the standard.
Key words:
- mask machine /
- tension /
- sensor /
- calibration device /
- metrology
表 1 口罩机恒张力测量与伺服控制系统测试试验对象
Table 1. Mask machine constant tension measurement and servo control system test subjects
名称 生产厂家 型号规格 出厂编号 平面一拖一
设备有限公司ZR-KZ868-A1 E-SC-018 表 2 恒张力性能测试系统的参数
Table 2. Parameters of constant tension performance test system
名称 测量范围(N) 编号 不确定度/或准确度等级/或最大允许误差 口罩机恒张力测量与伺服控制系统 20~200 01 Urel=0.5%,k=2 表 3 张力传感器校准前实测值
Table 3. Measured values before tension sensor calibration
目标校准点(N) 实测值(N) 1 2 3 5 5.005 5.002 5.002 10 10.007 10.007 10.005 20 20.006 20.005 20.006 40 40.010 40.010 40.010 60 60.013 60.013 60.010 80 80.022 80.022 80.022 120 120.025 120.020 120.022 160 160.026 160.035 160.032 200 200.034 200.045 200.042 表 4 张力传感器校准后实测值
Table 4. Measured values after tension sensor calibration
目标校准点(N) 实测值(N) 力值误差(N) 5 5.000 0.000 10 10.000 0.000 20 20.001 +0.001 40 40.002 +0.002 60 60.001 +0.001 80 80.002 +0.002 120 120.002 +0.002 160 160.002 +0.002 200 200.003 +0.003 -
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