Metrological Characteristic Research of Biosafety Cabinets
摘要: 针对不同型号Ⅱ级生物安全柜的性能差异及复杂的计量操作,研究优化出基层生物安全柜使用人员简易和有效的检测操作内容,指导使用中的期间核查。为满足基层生物安全柜使用人员,在期间核查中,能够通过最简单的操作确保仪器性能的正常。实验中对生物安全柜计量特性的检测方法进行优化,并将优化结果与规范测试结果进行对比,分析优化后方法的可行性。数据结果表明,洁净度检测简化成四个点位;光照强度检测简化为五等分点;噪声检测优化为两个更接近实际人耳接收噪音的点位;下降风速简化为三点法;流入风速简化为六个点位,角度设为45°;发烟位置最优选在距离风机较近的位置。优化方法后的检测结果与规范检测的生物安全柜各计量特性结果接近一致。优化后的生物安全柜检测方法能够满足一线使用人员快速了解生物安全柜的当前性能,为开展生物安全柜计量特性研究,及时发现生物安全隐患,预防实验室生物事故出现奠定基础。Abstract: This study explores the variation in performance across different models of Class II biosafety cabinets and the complexity of their metrological operations. It focuses on developing simple yet effective testing procedures for primary users of these cabinets, facilitating periodic verification during use. The research ensures that users at the basic level can confirm the equipment's performance through minimal operations during routine checks. The experimental phase involves optimizing the measurement methods for the metrological characteristics of biosafety cabinets and contrasting these optimized methods with standard testing protocols to evaluate their feasibility. Key findings include simplifications in cleanliness testing to four points, illumination intensity testing to five evenly spaced points, noise detection to two points replicating human ear noise reception, downward airflow speed to a three-point method, and inflow airflow speed to six points at a 45° angle, with the optimal smoke emission point being close to the fan. The results from the optimized methods closely match those from standard tests across various metrological characteristics of biosafety cabinets. This refined approach for testing biosafety cabinets allows frontline users to rapidly assess the current performance of these cabinets, contributing to the study of their metrological characteristics, early identification of biosafety hazards, and prevention of laboratory biological incidents.
Key words:
- metrology /
- management /
- biosafety cabinet /
- metrological characteristics /
- calibration specification
表 1 实验标准器
Table 1. Experimental standard instrument
仪器类型 仪器型号 仪器厂家 照度计 DT1330A LiHuaJin 干式风速仪 9565-P TSI 尘埃粒子计数器 Handheld3016 LIGHTHOUSE 声级计 AWA5636 杭州爱华仪器有限公司 气溶胶光度计 2i ATI 气溶胶发生装置 TDA-6D ATI 表 2 被测生物安全柜
Table 2. Biosafety cabinet under test
仪器类型 仪器型号 仪器厂家 生物安全柜 BSC-1100 II A2-X 济南鑫贝西生物技术有限公司 生物安全柜 1300 SERIES A2 Thermo 生物安全柜 Hfsafe-1200LC 上海力申科学仪器有限公司 表 3 距离台面50 mm处、0.3 μm粒径条件下洁净度检测结果
Table 3. Cleanliness test results at 50 mm from the table surface with 0.3 μm particle size
后壁距离 侧壁距离 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 50 mm 8 0 0 100 mm 0 0 0 150 mm 0 0 0 注:n=6、四角位置平均值、粒径洁净度单位(/m3)。 表 4 距离台面50 mm处、0.5 μm粒径条件下洁净度检测结果
Table 4. Cleanliness test results at 50 mm from the table surface with 0.5 μm particle size
后壁距离 侧壁距离 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 50 mm 2 0 0 100 mm 0 0 0 150 mm 0 0 0 注:n=6、四角位置平均值、粒径洁净度单位(/m3)。 表 5 不同等分点光照强度检测结果
Table 5. Light intensity detection results at different equidistant points
1点位 2点位 3点位 4点位 5点位 6点位 照度总平均值 七等分点(规范方法) 1004 1066 1092 1063 966 870 1010 六等分点 1036 1079 1076 1002 916 / 1022 五等分点 1043 1082 1069 932 / / 1032 表 6 30位实验员噪声位置和强度检测结果
Table 6. Noise location and intensity results measured by 30 experimenters
点位 男性/人 噪声值/dB 点位 女性/人 噪声值/dB 规范点(300,380) 1 64.4 规范点(300,380) 0 64.4 (200,370) 3 65.7 (180,300) 1 66.2 (220,370) 7 65.6 (180,310) 6 65.9 (240,370) 1 64.8 (200,310) 1 65.7 (220,380) 2 65.2 (210,310) 1 65.7 (200,390) 1 65.4 (220,320) 1 65.5 (220,390) 4 65.2 / / / (240,390) 1 64.9 / / / 表 7 三种品牌生物安全柜下降风速检测结果
Table 7. Downward wind speed test results for three brands of biosafety cabinets
(m/s) 位置厂家 规范点位 三点法 济南鑫贝西生物技术有限公司 0.386 0.383 Thermo 0.303 0.301 上海力申科学仪器有限公司 0.346 0.346 注:检测位置:前窗高度上方100 mm。 表 8 距离风机不同位置上游浓度检测结果
Table 8. Upstream concentration detection results at different positions from the fan
(μg/L) 位置厂家 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 56 54 53 50 49 44 B 49 48 48 46 46 43 C 55 53 53 48 47 45 -
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