Determination of Tin in Infant Supplementary Food Rice Powder Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Standard Addition Method
摘要: 采用外标法和标准加入法分别对婴幼儿辅食米粉中锡含量进行定量分析,研究了锡含量结果在预消解加入不同酸及复杂基质时所受的影响,建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)准确测定婴幼儿辅食米粉中锡含量的测定方法,分析了婴幼儿辅食米粉测定过程的不确定度来源,评定了各不确定度分量并合成得到方法的扩展不确定度。分析结果表明,采用硝酸预反应后补加盐酸进行微波消解前处理,标准加入法分析锡的相关线性( r 2)在0.9998以上,方法检出限为0.02 mg/kg,对有证标准物质的测量偏差为+1.2%。通过对婴幼儿辅食米粉中锡含量进行测定,加标回收率为100.5%~104.5%,当锡含量为1.31 mg/kg时,扩展不确定度为0.04 mg/kg(k=2)。相较于外标法,标准加入法适用于婴幼儿辅食米粉基体标准物质研制过程中锡含量的定值,方法准确可靠。Abstract: Quantitative analysis of tin content in infant supplementary food rice powder was conducted using external standard and standard addition methods. The study investigated the effects of different acids added during pre-digestion and complex matrices on the tin content results. An accurate method for determining tin content in infant supplementary food rice powder was established using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study analyzed the sources of uncertainty in the determination process of infant supplementary food rice powder, evaluated each component of uncertainty, and calculated the method's expanded uncertainty. The analysis showed that pre-digestion with nitric acid followed by the addition of hydrochloric acid before microwave digestion, and the standard addition method for tin analysis resulted in a correlation coefficient (r2) above 0.9998. The method detection limit was 0.02 mg/kg, and the measurement deviation for certified reference material was +1.2%. When tin content was measured at 1.31 mg/kg, the expanded uncertainty was 0.04 mg/kg with a coverage factor of k=2. The standard addition method was suitable for determining tin content in infant supplementary food rice powder, proving to be more accurate and reliable.
Key words:
- metrology /
- ICP-MS /
- standard addition method /
- matrix effects /
- tin /
- infant supplementary food
表 1 锡元素在不同质量数的信号强度
Table 1. Signal intensity of tin at various mass numbers
(μg/kg)Sn元素同位素信号强度(cps) 117 118 119 0 7.73 24.93 9.27 4.9869 23241.0 75193.5 27361.2 9.9024 46012.8 149286.4 54353.3 19.5220 90798.5 294284.0 107187.6 29.4835 137120.6 444437.3 161989.6 相关系数 0.9999 1.0000 1.0000 表 2 不同测量条件下锡含量结果
Table 2. Tin content results under various measurement conditions
加酸体系 测得值(mg/kg) 平均值(mg/kg) 标准值(mg/kg) 相对误差% 外标法 硝酸 2.90 2.96 2.94 2.92 2.91 2.87 2.92 3.22±0.12 −9.3% 硝酸+盐酸 3.03 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.09 3.05 3.07 −4.7% 标准加入法 硝酸+盐酸 3.23 3.26 3.33 3.28 3.16 3.30 3.26 +1.2% 表 3 不同方法测量样品结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of sample measurement results using different methods
方法 样品 测得值w(mg/kg) 平均值(mg/kg) RSD/% 质控样品(mg/kg) 外标法 level-1 1.27 1.25 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.26 0.87 3.06 level-2 2.36 2.37 2.35 2.38 2.35 2.36 2.36 0.50 3.08 标准加入法 level-1 1.31 1.33 1.28 1.30 1.32 1.31 1.31 1.43 3.24 level-2 2.44 2.45 2.40 2.42 2.46 2.41 2.43 0.97 3.26 表 4 加标回收率测试结果
Table 4. Standard addition recovery test results
方法 样品本底
(μg/kg)回收率 标准加入法 11.622 4.949 16.794 104.5% 11.622 4.949 16.725 103.1% 11.622 10.107 21.916 101.9% 11.622 10.107 22.064 103.3% 11.622 15.051 27.197 103.5% 11.622 15.051 26.743 100.5% 表 5 标准加入法各浓度点的测量信号值
Table 5. Measurement signal values at each concentration point using the standard addition method
(μg/kg)响应值Aj(cps) 1 2 3 4 5 平均值 0 48464.4 48253.1 47991.3 47654.3 47167.9 47906.2 2.486 70293.4 69755.1 69354.7 68735.1 68655.1 69358.7 5.063 91182.3 90525.4 89820.6 89532.6 89388.7 90089.9 10.093 134659.1 133818.5 133088.7 131854.8 131898.6 133063.9 相关系数 0.9999 0.9999 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 曲线截距X0 5.708 5.710 5.705 5.731 5.657 5.702 样液浓度C0 11.452 11.458 11.447 11.498 11.351 11.442 表 6 样品干重率结果
Table 6. Dry weight ratios of the samples
序号 m0/g m1/g m2/g y/ % 1 43.6078 2.0169 45.5048 94.06 2 42.1681 2.0424 44.0858 93.89 3 40.3874 2.0159 42.2848 94.12 4 39.8977 2.0815 41.8531 93.94 5 41.6435 2.1048 43.6237 94.08 6 42.3589 2.0996 44.3298 93.87 平均值 41.6772 2.0602 43.6137 93.99 -
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