Study on Hydrophone Calibration Using the Transfer Coupler Reciprocity Method
摘要: 针对传统耦合腔互易法校准水听器灵敏度时,水听器尺寸、材料受到限制,耦合腔体积参数在校准不同水听器时需要每次测定等问题,进一步提升耦合腔互易法校准的准确度。开展了转移耦合腔互易法校准技术研究,详细介绍并推导了转移耦合腔互易法校准水听器灵敏度的原理,设计并研制了参考耦合腔和转移耦合腔。其中,转移耦合腔包括三换能器转移耦合腔和四换能器转移耦合腔。在此基础上,基于转移耦合腔互易法校准原理构建了转移耦合腔互易法校准标准装置。在20 Hz~2 kHz频率范围,分别采用三换能器转移耦合腔和四换能器转移耦合腔开展了标准水听器校准实验研究,对比了两个转移耦合腔校准的结果,具有很好的一致性,并对校准结果的测量不确定度进行了评估。为验证校准结果的准确性,与低频水声声压基准的校准结果进行了比较。结果表明,校准结果偏差绝对值最大为0.5 dB,小于比对装置总的不确定度,因此转移耦合腔互易法校准结果是准确的,测量不确定度达到0.4 dB(k=2)。通过采用参考耦合腔和转移耦合腔相结合的方式,解决了传统耦合腔互易法校准中存在的问题,进一步提升了校准的准确度,为更高等级低频水声标准的研制奠定了基础。Abstract: This paper addresses the limitations of traditional coupler reciprocity methods in calibrating hydrophones, such as size constraints and material restrictions, aiming to enhance calibration accuracy. A transfer coupler reciprocity method is proposed for hydrophone sensitivity calibration, addressing issues like varying coupler volume parameters for different hydrophones. The principles of this method are detailed, and both reference and transfer couplers, including three-transducer and four-transducer types, are developed. Calibration standards based on this method are established, and calibration experiments for standard hydrophones in the 20 Hz to 2 kHz frequency range are conducted using both types of transfer couplers. The results from these two couplers are compared, showing good consistency, and measurement uncertainties are evaluated. To verify the calibration accuracy, results are compared with those from a low-frequency underwater sound primary standard. The deviations are found to be within 0.5 dB, less than the total uncertainty of the comparison devices, validating the accuracy and achieving a measurement uncertainty of 0.4 dB (k=2). By integrating reference and transfer couplers, traditional challenges in coupler reciprocity calibration are overcome, improving accuracy and laying the foundation for higher-level low-frequency underwater acoustic standards.
表 1 RHC14水听器转移耦合腔互易法灵敏度校准结果
Table 1. Results of RHC14 hydrophone sensitivity calibration using transfer coupler reciprocity method
f/Hz M1/dB M2/dB (M2−M1 )/dB 20 −201.3 −201.3 0 25 −201.4 −201.3 0.1 31.5 −201.6 −201.4 0.2 40 −201.5 −201.3 0.2 63 −201.8 −201.4 0.4 80 −201.7 −201.5 0.2 100 −201.7 −201.4 0.3 125 −201.5 −201.6 −0.1 160 −201.8 −201.4 0.4 200 −201.8 −201.5 0.3 250 −201.7 −201.3 0.4 315 −201.8 −201.3 0.5 400 −201.7 −201.3 0.4 500 −201.6 −201.3 0.3 630 −201.5 −201.2 0.3 800 −201.6 −201.2 0.4 1000 −201.2 −201.1 0.1 1250 −200.9 −201.1 −0.2 1600 −201.2 −201.1 0.1 2000 −201.3 −201.2 0.1 表 2 RHC14水听器灵敏度校准重复性结果
Table 2. Repeatability results of RHC14 hydrophone sensitivity calibration
f/Hz M1/dB M2/dB M3/dB M4/dB M5/dB M6/dB Sn/dB uA/dB uA/% 20 −201.3 −201.3 −201.1 −201.4 −201.3 −201.4 0.11 0.04 0.52 25 −201.4 −201.1 −201.3 −201.4 −201.4 −201.2 0.13 0.05 0.60 31.5 −201.6 −201.4 −201.3 −201.6 −201.4 −201.4 0.12 0.05 0.58 40 −201.5 −201.5 −201.5 −201.3 −201.3 −201.3 0.11 0.04 0.52 63 −201.8 −201.6 −201.6 −201.6 −201.8 −201.9 0.13 0.05 0.63 80 −201.7 −201.6 −201.4 −201.5 −201.4 −201.6 0.12 0.05 0.57 100 −201.8 −201.7 −201.7 −201.5 −201.8 −201.7 0.11 0.04 0.52 125 −201.7 −201.4 −201.7 −201.6 −201.7 −201.6 0.12 0.05 0.55 160 −201.6 −201.5 −201.3 −201.6 −201.5 −201.4 0.12 0.05 0.55 200 −201.5 −201.5 −201.2 −201.3 −201.4 −201.5 0.13 0.05 0.60 250 −201.4 −201.1 −201.4 −201.2 −201.2 −201.4 0.13 0.05 0.63 315 −201.6 −201.4 −201.6 −201.3 −201.6 −201.5 0.13 0.05 0.60 400 −201.9 −201.8 −201.6 −201.7 −201.7 −201.6 0.12 0.05 0.55 500 −201.7 −201.7 −201.5 −201.5 −201.6 −201.6 0.09 0.04 0.42 630 −201.5 −201.6 −201.5 −201.4 −201.7 −201.7 0.12 0.05 0.57 800 −201.6 −201.4 −201.4 −201.7 −201.4 −201.4 0.13 0.05 0.63 1000 −201.2 −201.2 −201.5 −201.3 −201.4 −201.2 0.13 0.05 0.60 1250 −200.9 −201.0 −201.1 −200.9 −200.9 −201.0 0.08 0.03 0.38 1600 −201.2 −201.4 −201.5 −201.2 −201.2 −201.4 0.13 0.05 0.63 2000 −201.3 −201.3 −201.4 −201.4 −201.1 −201.3 0.11 0.04 0.52 表 3 三换能器转移耦合腔灵敏度结果比对
Table 3. Comparison of sensitivities using three-transducer transfer coupler
f/Hz M1/dB M0/dB (M1−M0)/ dB 20 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 25 −201.4 −201.5 0.1 31.5 −201.6 −201.2 −0.4 40 −201.5 −201.4 −0.1 63 −201.8 −201.3 −0.5 80 −201.7 −201.5 −0.2 100 −201.7 −201.5 −0.2 125 −201.5 −201.4 −0.1 160 −201.8 −201.6 −0.2 200 −201.8 −201.6 0.3 250 −201.7 −201.5 −0.2 315 −201.8 −201.5 −0.3 400 −201.7 −201.3 −0.4 500 −201.6 −201.5 −0.1 630 −201.5 −201.4 −0.1 800 −201.6 −201.2 −0.4 1000 −201.2 −201.4 0.2 1250 −200.9 −201.4 0.5 1600 −201.2 −201.3 0.1 2000 −201.3 −201.2 −0.1 表 4 四换能器转移耦合腔灵敏度结果比对
Table 4. Comparison of sensitivities using four-transducer transfer coupler
f/Hz M2/dB M0/dB (M2−M0)/dB 20 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 25 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 31.5 −201.4 −201.2 −0.2 40 −201.3 −201.4 0.1 63 −201.4 −201.3 −0.1 80 −201.5 −201.5 0 100 −201.4 −201.5 0.1 125 −201.6 −201.4 −0.2 160 −201.4 −201.6 0.2 200 −201.5 −201.6 0.1 250 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 315 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 400 −201.3 −201.3 0 500 −201.3 −201.5 0.2 630 −201.2 −201.4 0.2 800 −201.2 −201.2 0 1000 −201.1 −201.4 0.3 1250 −201.1 −201.4 0.3 1600 −201.1 −201.3 0.2 2000 −201.2 −201.2 0 -
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