Research on Detection Equipment for Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbon Purification Efficiency in Oil-Smoke Purification Devices
摘要: 为实现在实验室评价餐饮业油烟净化设备对非甲烷总烃的净化能力,提高评价方法的科学性和准确性,开发了可稳定产生高浓度非甲烷总烃的发生装置,筛选了适用于检测油烟中非甲烷总烃的检测方法,构建了实验室测试平台,实现了评价非甲烷总烃净化效果的实验室检测。通过对非甲烷总烃发生装置的研究,开发出可以稳定发生非甲烷总烃浓度高达40~50 mg/m3且重复性<15%的油烟发生装置,突破了实验室无法稳定模拟餐饮业排放的高浓度非甲烷总烃的难题。通过实验比较出便携式氢火焰离子化检测器法、气相色谱法两种适用于测定油烟中非甲烷总烃的检测方法。综合筛选出的检测方法,新开发的非甲烷总烃发生装置和实验室标准台架,构建出可用于评价油烟净化设备处理非甲烷总烃能力的检测平台,并通过实验验证了平台对高、低浓度的非甲烷总烃的稳定性(非甲烷总烃的重复性分别<15%和<20%),表明研究开发的检测系统可稳定、有效地用来评价餐饮业油烟净化设备治理非甲烷总烃的性能,为实现实验室统一检测奠定了基础。Abstract: This study focuses on developing a method to evaluate the purification capacity of cooking fume purification equipment for non-methane total hydrocarbons (NMTHC) in a laboratory setting, aiming to enhance the scientificity and accuracy of the assessment process. A novel generating device capable of stably producing high concentrations of NMTHC has been developed. Suitable detection methods for NMTHC in cooking fumes were identified, and a laboratory test platform was established for evaluating the purification effect of NMTHC. The performance of the soot generator, capable of consistently producing NMTHC concentrations up to 40-50 mg/m3 with repeatability below 15%, was developed, overcoming the challenge of simulating high NMTHC concentrations emitted in the catering industry. Two detection methods, a portable hydrogen flame ionization detector and gas chromatography, were compared experimentally. Integrating the selected detection methods with the newly developed NMTHC generator and a laboratory standard bench, a testing platform was constructed to evaluate the efficiency of cooking fume purification equipment in handling NMTHC. Experimental verification of this platform demonstrated stable performance for both high and low concentrations of NMTHC, with repeatability below 15% and 20% respectively. The findings indicate that the developed detection system can reliably and effectively evaluate the performance of catering industry fume purification equipment in treating NMTHC, laying a foundation for standardized laboratory testing.
表 1 标准对非甲烷总烃净化效率的要求
Table 1. Standard requirements for purification efficiency of non-methane total hydrocarbons
表 2 不同压力下的非甲烷总烃发生浓度
Table 2. Concentrations of non-methane total hydrocarbons under different pressures
压力/MPa 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 非甲烷总烃
浓度/(mg/m3)1 18.6 25.8 41.4 44.7 2 22.1 27.3 37.7 48.2 3 17.5 29.4 35.9 41.9 4 16.8 25.8 38.3 47.3 5 20.3 33.8 38.2 45.5 6 21.7 28.5 36.9 44.8 7 19.8 28.4 40.5 46.9 8 17.3 30.7 42.9 48.2 平均值 19.26 28.71 38.98 45.94 标准偏差 10.5% 9.3% 6.1% 4.7% 表 3 气相色谱法的非甲烷总烃检出限
Table 3. Detection limit of non-methane total hydrocarbons by gas chromatography
(mg/m3) 气相色谱法 次数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 测量浓度 0.64 0.61 0.66 0.67 0.62 0.63 0.65 MDL 0.07 表 4 便携式氢火焰离子化检测器法的非甲烷总烃检出限
Table 4. Detection limit of non-methane total hydrocarbons by portable hydrogen flame ionization detector
(mg/m3) 便携式检测器法 次数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 测量浓度 0.92 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.96 0.92 0.94 MDL 0.08 表 5 高浓度非甲烷总烃检测方法的适用性
Table 5. Applicability of high concentration non-methane hydrocarbon detection methods
序号 便携式氢火焰离子
(mg/m3)进口 出口 进口 出口 1 35.4 20.4 32.8 17 2 28.6 15.3 29.3 17.8 3 25.7 16.9 24.5 12.4 4 27.1 21.3 29.4 19.8 5 25.9 18.6 26.3 20.5 6 30.1 16.9 27.6 18.9 平均值 28.8 18.2 28.3 17.7 重复性 12.63% 12.60% 10.16% 16.40% 表 6 低浓度非甲烷总烃检测方法的适用性
Table 6. Applicability of low concentration non-methane total hydrocarbon detection methods
序号 便携式氢火焰离子
(mg/m3)进口 出口 进口 出口 1 3.6 3.3 4.73 3.89 2 4.5 3 5.37 5.01 3 5.1 3.8 4.59 4.27 4 4.8 3.6 5.68 4.97 5 4.6 3.2 4.65 4.38 6 4.9 3.5 5.08 4.58 平均值 4.58 3.40 5.14 4.64 重复性 11.50% 8.52% 8.56% 9.27% -
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