Study on the Calibration Method for the Mask Filter Efficiency Tester Based on In-Situ Aerosol Dilutor Technique
摘要: 提出以一种原位气溶胶稀释器作为标准器,用于口罩颗粒物过滤效率测试仪的校准方法。该方法可以弥补传统校准方法(标准光度计法和标准滤膜法)在可操作性和溯源性方面的不足。原位气溶胶稀释器以多根限流毛细管组合和气溶胶原位稀释为特点,是一种结构型式满足在口罩夹具位置接入使用的限流式气溶胶稀释器。在工况流量已知的情况下,经过标定的稀释器,可根据校准过程中采集到的上下游差压,计算得到稀释器的稀释比。为证明该流量法稀释比可以直接转化为稀释器所提供的过滤效率参考值使用,文中针对稀释比校准方法进行了讨论。将校准过程类比于对气溶胶颗粒的同轴非等速采样,进行了斯托克斯数的推导计算,说明了所使用限流毛细管的吸入效率接近1。计算得到伴有扩散损失的毛细管内的输送效率大于0.99。使用原位气溶胶稀释器针对典型测量对象开展校准实验,并进行了参考值的不确定度分析。上述内容共同验证了稀释法校准的可行性和有效性。Abstract: This paper introduces a calibration method for mask particle filtration efficiency testers, employing an in-situ aerosol dilutor as a standard device. This novel approach aims to address the limitations of operability and traceability inherent in traditional calibration methods such as standard photometers and filter membrane techniques. Characterized by a combination of multiple flow-limiting capillaries and in-situ aerosol dilution, the in-situ aerosol dilutor is designed to fit and function at the mask fixture position. When operating at a known flow rate, the calibrated dilutor calculates its dilution ratio based on the differential pressure data gathered during calibration. The article further discusses the calibration method for the dilution ratio, asserting that this ratio can be directly converted to a reference value for the dilutor's filtration efficiency. The calibration process is compared to coaxial non-uniform aerosol particle sampling, with a derived calculation of the Stokes number showing that the capillary suction efficiency is near 1. Additionally, the transport efficiency in the capillaries, accounting for diffusion loss, is calculated to be over 0.99. Calibration experiments were conducted with the in-situ aerosol dilutor on typical measurement objects, accompanied by an uncertainty analysis of the reference values. Collectively, these findings substantiate the feasibility and effectiveness of the dilution method calibration.
表 1 标定结果
Table 1. Results of the calibration process
管数 参数 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 相关系数 斜率 截距 1 Δp 271 301 334 369 394 427 0.9997 0.0024 0.4114 q 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.30 1.36 1.44 2 Δp 290 320 353 379 399 427 0.9996 0.0045 0.8158 q 2.12 2.26 2.42 2.54 2.62 2.74 3 Δp 287 320 347 382 402 433 0.9998 0.0066 1.2997 q 3.19 3.42 3.61 3.83 3.96 4.16 4 Δp 297 333 354 371 408 427 0.9997 0.0087 1.7673 q 4.34 4.67 4.85 5.01 5.32 5.47 5 Δp 298 334 355 379 390 423 0.9996 0.0109 2.1436 q 5.36 5.78 6.01 6.26 6.38 6.72 6 Δp 283 311 339 365 388 426 0.9995 0.0130 2.5331 q 6.17 6.57 6.95 7.28 7.56 8.03 7 Δp 284 320 356 373 395 430 0.9998 0.0153 2.8780 q 7.22 7.78 8.35 8.61 8.94 9.45 8 Δp 286 314 337 374 396 420 0.9996 0.0173 3.3786 q 8.30 8.82 9.24 9.87 10.24 10.62 9 Δp 293 323 352 379 392 421 0.9996 0.0196 3.6961 q 9.41 10.03 10.59 11.15 11.39 11.90 10 Δp 279 320 356 386 403 420 0.9991 0.0218 4.1640 q 10.19 11.20 11.98 12.62 12.93 13.29 11 Δp 266 294 313 339 376 409 0.9996 0.0242 4.4803 q 10.88 11.58 12.11 12.72 13.58 14.35 12 Δp 275 292 327 365 389 420 0.9993 0.0264 4.8750 q 12.07 12.59 13.57 14.56 15.16 15.90 13 Δp 275 303 336 362 379 403 0.9994 0.0285 5.1695 q 12.94 13.85 14.80 15.49 15.96 16.62 注:表中参数Δp代表差压,单位:Pa;参数q代表经过毛细管的流量,单位:L/min。 表 2 斯托克斯数的计算过程
Table 2. Calculation steps for the Stokes number
参数 盐性气溶胶 油性气溶胶 测试仪工况流量Q 85 L/min 85 L/min 夹具工作区面积A 100 cm2 100 cm2 自由流动速度U0 0.14 m/s 0.14 m/s 限流毛细管内径Ds 1.25 mm 1.25 mm 空气的动力黏度η 1.833×10−5 Pa·s 1.833×10−5 Pa·s 工作环境大气压P 101.3 kPa 101.3 kPa 颗粒密度ρp 2200 kg/m3 985 kg/m3 颗粒物粒径dp 0.075 μm 0.185 μm 滑移修正因子Cc 3.64 1.96 弛豫时间τ 1.37×10−7 s 2.00×10−7 s 斯托克斯数Stk 0.000015 0.000022 表 3 输送效率的计算过程
Table 3. Computation process for transport efficiency
参数 盐性气溶胶 油性气溶胶 玻尔兹曼常数k 1.38×10−23 N·m/K 1.38×10−23 N·m/K 绝对温度T 293 K 293 K 管长L 0.060 m 0.060 m 颗粒物粒径dp 0.075 μm 0.185 μm 毛细管内流量q 1.44 L/min 1.44 L/min 空气的动力黏度η 1.833×10−5 Pa·s 1.833×10−5 Pa·s 工作环境大气压P 101.3 kPa 101.3 kPa 滑移修正因子Cc 3.64 1.96 粒子扩散系数D 1.14×10−9 m2/s 2.48×10−10 m2/s 中间变量ξ 8.93×10−6 1.94×10−6 舍伍德数Sh 130.9 215.8 输送效率ηtube 0.9988 0.9996 表 4 校准数据
Table 4. Calibration data and results
盐性气溶胶 油性气溶胶 稀释倍数
(%)61.45 98.37 98.30 −0.07 48.08 97.92 98.08 0.16 32.44 96.92 96.91 −0.01 24.81 95.97 96.31 0.34 21.67 95.39 95.34 −0.05 16.92 94.09 94.70 0.61 16.46 93.92 93.94 0.02 12.84 92.21 92.91 0.70 13.39 92.53 92.40 −0.13 10.56 90.53 91.10 0.57 11.33 91.17 90.81 −0.36 8.94 88.81 89.70 0.89 9.76 89.75 89.30 −0.45 7.70 87.01 88.20 1.19 8.56 88.32 87.90 −0.42 6.80 85.29 86.30 1.01 7.69 87.00 86.90 −0.10 6.18 83.82 84.60 0.78 6.95 85.61 85.20 −0.41 5.61 82.17 83.20 1.03 6.33 84.20 83.30 −0.90 5.16 80.62 81.70 1.08 5.86 82.94 82.00 −0.94 4.80 79.17 80.30 1.13 5.46 81.68 80.20 −1.48 4.53 77.92 78.40 0.48 表 5 过滤效率参考值的不确定度
Table 5. Uncertainty analysis for the reference values of filtration efficiency
参考值 u1(q) /
L/minu2(q) /
L/minu3(q) /
L/minu(q) /
min /Lc2/
min /Lu'(Fs) uc U(k=2) 98.37% 0.003 0.003 0.01 0.011 0.49 −0.01176 0.00019 0.048% 0.05% 0.10% 96.92% 0.006 0.005 0.02 0.022 0.49 −0.01176 0.00036 0.091% 0.10% 0.19% 95.39% 0.007 0.008 0.03 0.032 0.49 −0.01176 0.00054 0.136% 0.14% 0.29% 93.92% 0.009 0.010 0.04 0.042 0.49 −0.01176 0.00071 0.179% 0.19% 0.38% 92.53% 0.011 0.012 0.05 0.053 0.49 −0.01176 0.00088 0.221% 0.23% 0.47% 91.17% 0.018 0.015 0.06 0.065 0.49 −0.01176 0.00104 0.261% 0.28% 0.55% 89.75% 0.011 0.018 0.07 0.073 0.49 −0.01176 0.00121 0.303% 0.32% 0.64% 88.32% 0.020 0.020 0.08 0.085 0.49 −0.01176 0.00137 0.345% 0.37% 0.73% 87.00% 0.022 0.023 0.09 0.095 0.49 −0.01176 0.00153 0.385% 0.41% 0.81% 85.61% 0.040 0.025 0.10 0.110 0.49 −0.01176 0.00169 0.427% 0.45% 0.91% 84.20% 0.032 0.028 0.11 0.118 0.49 −0.01176 0.00186 0.468% 0.50% 0.99% 82.94% 0.044 0.030 0.12 0.131 0.49 −0.01176 0.00201 0.506% 0.54% 1.1% 81.68% 0.038 0.033 0.12 0.130 0.49 −0.01176 0.00215 0.542% 0.57% 1.2% -
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