Machine Vision-Based Measurement Method for Determining the Parameters of Low-Frequency Shakers
摘要: 为保证低频振动台性能参数测量的准确性,降低参数测量的成本和复杂度,提出基于机器视觉的低频振动台参数测试方法。首先,将导轨等效为一个大半径的圆弧,分析特征标志在垂直方向上的位移变化,利用最小二乘法拟合弯曲状况,实现导轨弯曲度的测量。然后,通过运动序列图像感兴趣区域内的亚像素级边缘提取方法实现振动台运动位移的精确测量。最后,利用正弦逼近法拟合振动台的运动位移得到其拟合振幅,进而求解振动台的各项关键性能参数。此外,仅通过一套简单的视觉测量设备即可实现这些参数的高精度测量。与传统测量方法的对比实验结果表明,机器视觉法在添加三种不同负载的情况下得到的弯曲度与传统方法高度近似。对于其他性能参数的测量,机器视觉法在0.01~10 Hz范围内也能获得可靠的测量精度与效率。Abstract: To ensure the accuracy of performance parameter measurements and reduce the cost and complexity of low-frequency shakers, a machine vision-based method for determining the parameters of low-frequency shakers is proposed. First, the guide rail is modeled as a large-radius arc, and the displacement change of the feature marker in the vertical direction is analyzed. The bending condition is then fitted using the least squares method to measure the bending degree of the guide rail. Next, the subpixel-level edge extraction method is applied to the region of interest in the motion sequence images to accurately measure the motion displacement of the shaker table. Finally, the sine approximation method is used to fit the motion displacement of the shaker to obtain its fitting amplitude, which is then used to solve the key performance parameters of the shaker. Furthermore, high-precision measurements of these parameters can be achieved using a simple set of visual measuring devices. Comparative experimental results with traditional measurement methods show that the bending degree obtained by the machine vision method is highly similar to that of the traditional method when three different loads are added. For the measurement of other performance parameters, the machine vision method can also obtain reliable measurement accuracy and efficiency in the range of 0.01-10 Hz.
表 1 实验设备及参数
Table 1. Experimental devices and their parameters
设备名称 设备参数 IDTOS10-V3-4K摄像机 最大帧率为1000 fps、最大分辨率为900万像素 ESZ185-400振动台 可以在0.01~100 Hz的频率范围内提供最大峰值为400 mm的正弦激励位移 棋盘格标定板 采用8 × 8方格,方格尺寸为15 × 15 mm 高对比度标志I 由1 × 60 mm的线段及4个直径为15 mm的圆组成 高对比度标志II 由尺寸为40 × 60 mm的矩形及4个直径为15 mm的圆组成 触发器 提供同步脉冲TTL信号 计算机 搭载有Matlab2018仿真软件 -
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