
    Bibliometric Analysis of Disaster Chain Research in China’s Plateau Regions

    • 摘要: 当前国内关于灾害链的研究较少,尤其是高原地区的灾害链。以知网CNKI为数据源,对灾害链主题词进行文献检索,借助CiteSpace进行共现分析、聚类分析、突现分析,详细分析了高原地区的灾害链研究现状和研究方法。结果表明:2005年至2023年“灾害链”类的期刊文献收录量最多的是《岩石力学与工程学报》,为13篇,该类论文学科分布大多数属于地质学,其他为交叉学科的融合研究;对关键词进行聚类分析、共现分析、突现分析,得到研究热点的关联词有地质灾害、多灾种、自然灾害、风险评估、地震等;高原地区的灾害链类型是冰湖灾害链、滑坡灾害链等。当前针对灾害链的研究方法,主要是数值模拟和监测技术。由于高原地区的特殊地势,灾害链类型多样,研究力度不足,故未来高原地区的灾害链研究会强化对诱发因子的研究,监测技术更加趋于智能化,与工程建设紧密结合。


      Abstract: The study of disaster chains in China, particularly in plateau regions, is currently limited. This paper utilizes CNKI as a data source to investigate the disaster chain literature. Utilizing CiteSpace, it conducts co-occurrence, cluster, and emergence analyses, thereby providing a comprehensive review of the state of disaster chain research and methodologies in these plateau regions. The findings indicate that from 2005 to 2023, the Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering featured the highest number of publications on disaster chains, totaling 13 articles, predominantly within the field of geology, along with interdisciplinary studies. The research hotspots, identified through keyword analyses, include geological disasters, multi-hazard scenarios, natural disasters, risk assessment, and earthquakes. Notable disaster chain types in plateau areas encompass glacial lake and landslide disaster chains. Current research methods predominantly involve numerical simulations and monitoring technologies. Given the plateau region's unique terrain and diverse disaster chain types, there is a need for increased research efforts, particularly focusing on triggering factors. Future studies are expected to enhance monitoring techniques towards greater intelligence and integration with engineering construction.


