Practice and Discussion on the Management of Science and Technology Awards in Research Institutions: A Case Study of National Institute of Metrology, China
摘要: 科技奖励是激发科研人员科技创新活力的重要举措之一。中国计量科学研究院作为国家最高计量科学研究中心,长期以来高度重视科技创新激励,通过设立中国计量科学研究院科学技术奖,进一步激发科研人员创新积极性,促进科技创新发展,营造良好科研创新生态。基于历史数据,系统梳理了2006—2022年中国计量科学研究院科学技术奖奖励申报和获奖情况,针对在科技奖励管理过程中发现的报奖数量持续下滑的现象,剖析存在的问题和形成原因,总结凝练了通过增设青年科技奖、调整奖励等级、提高奖励力度等方式激发科研人员报奖积极性的经验做法和管理成效,并就进一步优化奖励管理制度、加大成果宣传和科普力度、优化信息化系统等方面提出建议。Abstract: Science and technology (S&T) awards are an important measure to stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation among researchers. As the highest national research center for metrology in China, the National Institute of Metrology, China (NIM) has long placed great emphasis on encouraging scientific and technological innovation. By establishing the NIM Science and Technology Award, NIM further stimulates researchers' enthusiasm for innovation, promotes the development of scientific and technological innovation, and creates a favorable research and innovation ecosystem. Based on historical data, this paper systematically reviews the application and awarding of the NIM Science and Technology Award from 2006 to 2022. In response to the phenomenon of a continuous decline in the number of award applications discovered during the management process of S&T awards, the paper analyzes the existing problems and their causes. It summarizes the experience, practices, and management effectiveness of stimulating researchers' enthusiasm for applying for awards by adding a youth S&T award, adjusting award levels, and increasing award incentives. Suggestions are put forward to further optimize the award management system, increase the publicity of achievements and popularization of science, and improve the information system.
表 1 院奖管理办法奖励设置情况
Table 1. Award settings of the NIM S&T Award management regulations
版本 院奖类别 院奖等级 特等 一等 二等 三等 2006 一类 ★ ★ ★ ★ 二类 2013 基础研究奖
应用研究奖/ ★ ★ ★ 软科学奖 / / ★ ★ 2016 基础研究奖
应用研究奖/ ★ ★ ★ 软科学奖 / / ★ ★ 2022 基础研究奖
应用研究奖★ ★ ★ / 软科学奖
青年科技奖/ ★ ★ / 注:“★”表示该类奖励设置了对应等级的奖项。 -
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