Research on Automated Detection Methods and Device for Geometric Parameters of Quartz Pendulous Reeds
摘要: 石英挠性加速计是惯性导航系统的基本测量元件,用来测量系统的线加速度。由于石英挠性加速度计具有高精度、高灵敏度、高稳定性等优点,在航天航空领域有着广泛应用。石英摆片是石英挠性加速计的核心敏感元件,它能通过石英摆片的敏感性能获得被测物体的加速度等物理信息。石英摆片的加工精度决定了石英挠性加速计的性能优劣,因此对石英摆片的几何参数检测十分必要。介绍了一种石英摆片几何参数自动化检测装置。利用该系统,提出了基于光谱共焦传感器的石英摆片厚度、台阶高度、下垂量的测量方法。针对不同几何参数测量方法,分析了其测量的不确定性。通过对石英摆片几何参数进行测量,实验表明:该装置具有操作简便、精度高等优点,可实现石英摆片几何参数自动化检测,极大地提高了检测效率,对石英摆片几何参数的自动化检测有着深远的意义。Abstract: The quartz flexible accelerometer is a fundamental measuring element in inertial navigation systems, used to measure the system's linear acceleration. Due to its advantages of high precision, high sensitivity, and high stability, quartz flexible accelerometers are widely used in the aerospace field. The quartz pendulous reed is the core component of the quartz flexible accelerometer. It senses physical information such as the speed and acceleration of the measured object. The processing accuracy of the quartz pendulous reed affects the performance of the quartz flexible accelerometer. Therefore, it is particularly important to measure the geometric parameters of the quartz pendulous reed. In this paper, an automated measuring instrument for the geometric parameters of the quartz pendulous reed is introduced. Using this system, methods for measuring the thickness, step height, and droop of the quartz pendulous reed based on a chromatic confocal sensor are proposed. The uncertainties of different measurement methods are analyzed. Experimental measurements of the geometric parameters of quartz pendulous reeds demonstrate that the device has the advantages of simple operation and high accuracy. The device achieves automatic detection of the geometric parameters of quartz pendulous reeds, greatly improving detection efficiency and having significant implications for their automated inspection.
表 1 系统标定实验结果
Table 1. Results of the calibration experiment
序号 标准量块高度/mm 系统测量高度/mm 差值/μm 1 1.00000 0.99975 0.25 表 2 对比实验结果
Table 2. Results of the comparative experiment
测量参数 测量方式 测量均值/mm 测量时长 摆片厚度 千分尺 0.781 ~10 s/片 自动化测量装置 0.7845 ~5 s/片 台阶高度 光切显微镜 0.022 ~3 min/片 自动化测量装置 0.0201 ~1 min/片 下垂量 万能工具显微镜 1.968 ~2 min/片 自动化测量装置 1.9646 ~0.5 min/片 -
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