Research Progress on CO2 Isotope Measurement Based on Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
摘要: 全球气候变暖形势加剧,温室气体排放是关键因素之一。二氧化碳作为主要温室气体,对其高精度监测技术是实现温室气体追踪的基础。在此基础上监测二氧化碳同位素组份,不仅可以实现高精度浓度监测,还能够区分不同排放源的碳循环过程贡献,实现人为排放和自然排放的追踪和溯源。发展高精度二氧化碳同位素监测技术对提升碳排放清单准确性,优化碳减排措施等具有重要意义。在自然界中,碳同位素气体浓度通常为大气浓度的10−6倍,并受测量条件的影响,这导致了碳同位素测量难度加大。综述了红外吸收光谱技术测量二氧化碳稳定同位素浓度的研究进展,分析了高灵敏度稳频光腔衰荡光谱技术的原理及研究进展,并展望了稳定同位素光谱研究的未来方向。光腔衰荡光谱技术作为新兴光学检测技术,克服了传统方法测量精度不足、灵敏度低等缺陷,或成为新一代温室气体及同位素丰度测量标准方法。Abstract: The global warming situation has intensified, and greenhouse gas emissions are one of the key factors. Carbon dioxide, as the main greenhouse gas (GHG), requires high-precision monitoring technology as the basis for GHG tracking. On this basis, monitoring the carbon dioxide isotope composition not only enables high-precision concentration monitoring but also allows for distinguishing the contributions of different emission sources to the carbon cycle process, achieving the tracking and traceability of anthropogenic and natural emissions. Developing high-precision carbon dioxide isotope monitoring technology is of great significance for improving the accuracy of carbon emission inventories and optimizing carbon emission reduction measures. In nature, carbon isotope gas concentrations are usually on the order of 10−6 of atmospheric concentrations and are affected by measurement conditions, which leads to increased difficulty in carbon isotope measurements. This paper reviews the research progress of infrared absorption spectroscopy techniques for measuring carbon dioxide stable isotope concentrations, analyzes the principles and research progress of high-sensitivity frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS), and provides an outlook on the future direction of stable isotope spectroscopy research. As an emerging optical detection technology, FS-CRDS overcomes the shortcomings of traditional methods, such as insufficient measurement accuracy and low sensitivity, and may become a new generation of standard methods for measuring GHGs and isotope abundance.
Key words:
- metrology /
- greenhouse gases /
- cavity ring-down spectroscopy /
- carbon dioxide /
- stable isotopes
表 1 各光谱参数及含义
Table 1. Spectral parameters and their meanings
参数 单位 物理含义 v0 cm−1 谱线跃迁中心波数 ΓD cm−1 由分子热运动引起的多普勒展宽 γ0=Γ0/P cm−1/atm 单位大气压时所有分子速度平均后的碰撞展宽 δ0=Δ0/P cm−1/atm 单位大气压时所有分子速度平均后的碰撞偏移 γ2=Γ2/P cm−1/atm 单位大气压时依赖于分子运动速度的碰撞展宽 δ2=Δ2/P cm−1/atm 单位大气压时依赖于分子运动速度的碰撞偏移 β=vVC/P cm−1/atm 单位大气压时分子碰撞导致分子速度
分布改变引起的多普勒展宽的减小量η -- 分子碰撞引起的速度改变与内部
状态改变间的耦合参数ξ=Yl/P cm−1/atm 一阶线形混叠效应参数的压力系数 S cm/molec 谱线强度 表 2 近年16O13C16O光谱参数代表性研究
Tab. 2 Recent research on 16O13C16O spectral parameters 年份 作者 波数/(cm−1) 光谱技术 跃迁带支 主要成果 2004 Ding[39] 1480~1630 CRDS 相较之前金星大气光谱参数测量精度提高近十倍 2006 Kasyutich[40] 6228.4362 OA-ICOS 30012←00001 P16e 实现该技术测量结果近千分之一精度 2006 Wahl[41] 6261.5~6262.4 CRDS 发现波长测量噪声扭曲同位素测量吸收峰导致误差 2008 Wehr[42] 4978.0226 CEAS 20011←00001 P16e 实现该技术测量结果精度降至千分之一以下 2009 Zare[43] 6251.3169 CRDS 30012←00001 R12e 证明该技术测量精度已接近质谱技术测量精度 2011 Long[45] 6270.2491 CRDS 30012←00001 R50e 实现实验拟合线强与实测跃迁线强相差1—4% 2013 李相贤[33,34] 1800~4000 FTIR 改进FTIR技术并实现同位素丰度测量精度0.57‰ 2013 陆燕[48] 12436.4 CRDS 10051←00001 P16 实现1cm−1扫描范围同时分辨率提高到0.003cm−1 2017 夏滑[49] 3648.9193 CRDS 10011←00001 R22e 在弱吸收谱线区域测得大气二氧化碳同位素丰度 2018 Kiseleva[47] 6114.8580 CRDS 30014←00001 P6e 证明弹性碰撞不会导致单根谱线发生Dicke窄化 2018 韩荦[51] 2310.3472 OA-ICOS 00011←00001 R40e 实现该技术测量二氧化碳跃迁精度0.17‰ 2020 张熙[50] 6252.6235 CRDS 30012←00001 实现仪器等噪吸收系数达4×10−12cm−1Hz−1/2 2023 张志荣[52] 3641.0311 OA-ICOS 10011←00001 R10e 实现了大气13CO2气体测量精度0.3‰ -
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