Recent Prospects on Some Problems in Inertial Technology Metrology
摘要: 惯性技术是研究运载体运动信息(位置、速度、姿态等)的获取与感知技术,是一个国家科学技术水平和国防实力的核心标志之一。在国防和国民经济建设重大需求的牵引下,惯性技术一直备受各国的高度重视,属于基础性、战略性和前沿性的军民两用高新技术。在惯性技术中,陀螺仪是测量运载体角速度的核心仪表,是运载体进行姿态调整/控制、实现自主/隐蔽导航的核心信息源之一, 其发展呈高精度和微型化两种趋势。本文总结梳理了惯性技术的发展动态和研究现状, 重点强调了陀螺仪的发展现状及惯性测试计量研究内容, 展望了新SI时代的原子惯性计量。Abstract: Inertial technology is the acquisition and perception technology for studying carriers’ motion information such as the position, velocity, and attitude, etc. It has become one of the core signs of national scientific and technological level and national defense strength. With the impetus of the demand from national defense and national economic construction, inertial technology has been highly valued by all countries, which is an essential, strategic, and forefront dual-use high technology. As the core instrument for measuring the angular velocity of carriers in the area of inertial technology, a gyroscope is one of the core information sources to adjust/control the attitude of carriers and realization of autonomous/covert navigation, with the development trend in high precision and miniaturization. This paper summarizes the development of inertial technology, emphasizes the development of gyroscopes and the research of metrology in inertial testing, and looks forward to inertial measurement based at the atomic level in the new SI era.
Key words:
- inertial technology /
- gyroscopes /
- angular velocity /
- test and metrology /
- atomic effect
表 1 陀螺仪发展现状
Table 1. Development status of gyroscope
陀螺仪 灵敏度(°/s/Hz1/2) 漂移(°/h) 第一代 三浮陀螺仪 < 2.5×10−7 1.5×10−5 静电陀螺仪 < 5×10−8 3.0×10−6 第二代 激光陀螺仪 < 2.5×10−6 1.5×10−4 光纤陀螺仪 < 5×10−6 3.0×10−4 第三代 原子自旋陀螺仪 < 1×10−10 1×10−8 原子干涉陀螺仪 < 1×10−12 1×10−10 -
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