Discussion on the Effect of a Reinforcement Ring on the Static Pressure of Liquid on Vertical Metal Tanks
摘要: 立式金属罐的容量通常是在空罐状态下计量的,当其内装液体时,由于液体的静压力作用,罐体必然发生弹性变形,使罐的容量增大,该增大值称为液体静压力效应修正值,静压力效应修正值占总容积的0.016%~0.21%,所以静压力效应修正值必须予以考虑。而有些立式金属罐的上部为了防止罐体变形,加固一道或几道加强圈。加强后对罐体的静压力是有影响的,本文对该影响量进行理论分析,探讨是否需要对其进行修正。Abstract: The capacity of a vertical metal tank is usually measured when the tank is empty. If the tank is filled with liquid, the tank body will expand due to the static pressure of the liquid, which will increase the tank capacity. Generally, the static pressure correction value is 0.016%~0.21% of the total volume, which is introduced in capacity tables. For safety of the tank body, one or more reinforcement rings can be installed on the upper part of the tank. The reinforcement rings could affect the correction of liquid static pressure. This paper analyzes the effect of reinforcement rings theoretically and discusses how to calculate the correction of liquid static pressure.
Key words:
- vertical metal tank /
- stiffening ring /
- static pressure /
- revised /
- uncertainty /
- capacity
表 1 各标称容量立罐第三圈板有无加强圈时静压力产生的径向位移一览表
Table 1. Radial displacement caused by static pressure whether the third ring plate ofvertical tanks with various nominal capacities has a reinforcing ring or not
标称容积(m3) 上三板板高(m) 板厚(mm) 罐直径(m) 上三板总静压力影响值(L) 无加强截面的径向位移(mm) 加强后截面的径向位移(mm) 3000 5.94 6 19 753.2 4.25 0.50 5000 5.94 7 20 753.0 4.04 0.54 10000 5.94 7 30 2541.4 9.09 1.22 20000 5.94 8 40 5271.1 14.14 2.13 50000 5.94 10 60 14231.9 25.45 4.63 100000 5.94 12 80 28112.3 37.70 7.94 表 2 加强圈引起的静压力效应修正值汇总表
Table 2. Summary of correction values of the static pressure effect va caused by a stiffening ring
标称容积(m3) 加强圈引起的静压力效应修正值va(L) 3000 125 5000 134 10000 420 20000 1054 50000 5008 100000 12074 表 3 静压力不确定度评定一览表
Table 3. Uncertainty evaluation of the static pressure
标称容量(m3) 罐底拉引u1(L) 偏离正圆u2(L) 加强圈u3(L) 相对合成标准不
确定度ur(V压)3000 88 141 125 6.93×10−5 5000 180 213 134 6.19×10−5 10000 650 236 420 8.09×10−5 20000 3020 500 1054 1.08×10−4 50000 7750 481 5008 1.85×10−4 100000 12118 625 12074 1.71×10−4 表 4 总容积合成相对扩展不确定度评定一览表
Table 4. Evaluation of combined relative expanded uncertainties of various total volumes
标称容量(m3) 直圆筒
展不确定度U2(k=2)3000 1.68×10−4 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 5.55×10−5 6.93×10−5 0.044% 0.045% 5000 1.42×10−4 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 5.58×10−5 6.19×10−5 0.041% 0.041% 10000 1.05×10−4 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 6.91×10−5 8.09×10−5 0.037% 0.038% 30000 5.83×10−5 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 1.02×10−4 1.08×10−4 0.036% 0.036% 50000 5.14×10−5 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 1.55×10−4 2.05×10−4 0.042% 0.050% 100000 3.65×10−5 1.20×10−5 8.80×10−5 1×10−4 8.3×10−6 1.21×10−4 2.01×10−4 0.037% 0.049% -
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